"Star pitchers, and catcher of St. Louis Cardinals/St. Louis, MO....At the left is Tex Carleton, right-hand pitcher. In the center is Paul (Daffy) Dean, right-hand pitcher. At the right is Virgil Davis, catcher, all of the St. Louis Cardinals." Photo to be used during playoffs or World Series.
"Coach Wares and Card Players/Coach Buzzy Wares of Cardinals (extreme right) shown with group players at St. Petersburg. From left, Ernie White, Murry Dickson, Elwin Roe, Eddie Lake, Martin Marion and Bill DeLancey."
"Don Padgett of the St. Louis Cardinals, nominal batting leader of the National League in 1939, is showing a group of admiring students at Joe Stripp's baseball school here how to catch and hit. At top Padgett is demonstrating the results of knowledge he has gained since 1938, when he was an outfielder."
"Manager Ray Blades advising rookie pitchers on correct delivery at the Cards Camp here recently. Left to right: Ray Blades, Murry Dickson, Elwin Roe, Ernest White, and Frank Barrett."
"Two question-marked departments of the Cards and Browns this spring are shown in these photos. At the top are candidates for infield positions on Manager Ray Blades' squad. From the left:" Lynn Myers, Jimmy Brown, Johnny Hopp, Stu Martin, Joe Orengo, Maurice Sturdy, Martin Marion, and Johnny Mize. "Of the group, only Mize is certain of his position, though Gutteridge has the inside track at the hot corner. Below is what is called the slugging department of Fred Haney's Browns. However, the quartet - from the left, Harlond Clift, Myril Hoag, George McQuinn and Beau Bell - has been ineffective at the plate so far, except for McQuinn, who has hit consistently and hard. These aren't the only doubtful departments of the two clubs, for the Browns' pitching looms as quite dubious, as does the Cards' catching. The Browns' photo was taken at San Antonio, the Cards' at St. Petersburg."
Photograph of a batter swinging, facing the photographer, with a catcher behind him. One more player leans against the dugout roof behind the batter and catcher.
"Pepper Fouls/Dismay was written over Pepper Martin's face (Left) as he popped out a foul ball during a practice session at the St. Louis Cardinals spring training camp, at St. Petersburg, Fla., March 2. Behind the plate is Sam Narron, rookie catcher who came up from Rochester."
"Hi There! Redbird!/Decked out in his new St. Louis Cardinals uniform, rookie infielder Morris Sturdy, up from Rochester, goes up in the air during a Cardinal practice session at St. Petersburg, Fla., March 2. He is from Kirkwood, Mo., age 24, and last year hit .299."