Critic of Clark's scientific work as well as a claim for the initial invention of the gas blowpipe by Robert Hare, M.D., who invented the Hydro-oxygen blowpipe.
An address describing the differences between duties of a king and duties of a president, as well as the benefits of limiting presidential terms and the state of the Whig party at the time of publication.
Observations on Febrile Contagion, and on the Means of Improving the Medical Police of the City of New York. Delivered as an Introductory Discourse, in the Hall of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Assembled at Hannibal. Addressed to the People of the Counties of St. Charles, Lincoln, Pike, Ralls, Marion, Lewis & Clark, in the States of Missouri; the People of the City of St. Louis; and the People of the City of Keokuk, in the State of Iowa. Report about the early construction of the Mississippi Valley Railroad
In Relation to Dr. Nicholas Chervin, a French Physician. Book documenting the steps taken by Dr. Chervin to get the Board of Health to rescind their resolution, which would authorize the secretary of the Board to furnish him with a certificate of his correct transcription of their records in relation to yellow fever