Cleaning up on the levee, city workmen cut up a piece of driftwood as they spruce up the area for the bicentennial celebration. Eads Bridge is in the background.
This is one of the questions on the test written by the board of directors of the St. Louis Visitors Center to see how much St. Louisans really know about their city. Pictured above is the Eads Bridge in question.
Scaffolding that appears as weather-beaten as the bridge itself was photographed Thursday on Eads bridge which the City of St. Louis threatened to close unless repairs are started within 10 days.
SIDNEY MAESTRE, banker and civic leader, was named by Mayor Tucker as chariman of the Citizens Bond Issue Screening Committee to prepare items to be included in the proposed $100,000,000 public improvement bond issue.
FAIR HOUSING PICKETS IN U. CITY -- Pickets march in front of the Supreme Management Corp. at 6621 Delmar bl. in University City to protest against alleged housing discrimination at an apartment project operated by the firm in Berkeley. The picketing was sponsored by the Berkeley and University City Freedome of Residence committees, University City Civic Association, CORE and ACTION. Picketing was held Friday and Saturday and is expected to continue Monday.
At kickoff luncheon Tuesday for the 1968 Arts and Education Fund, from left, are William Ruder, New York public relations executive, and Eugene Williams Jr. and Gen. Leif Sverdrup, campaign co-chairmen.
"Enjoying Globe-Democrat Fashion Show, is this trio of women from Godfrey, Ill. They are(from the left) Mrs. Bernard Keeney, Mrs. Richard Sheffel and Mrs. Troy Cummings. They were among 20,000 persons who attended the two performances Tuesday."
Attending "Fall Festival of Fashions" opening show at Kiel Auditorium Convention Hall Wednesday, are left to right , Mrs. Robert Bone, Mrs. Leslie Southwick, Mrs. Francis Moore, and Mrs. John Hassard, all of East St. Louis, Ill.