This photograph shows the corner of Seventh Street and Washington Avenue in the rain. Several pedestrians, including businessmen, are walking down the sidewalk. One woman looking into a store window is taking shelter under an umbrella. There are streetcars, motor cars, and and horse-drawn carriages in the street. Streetcar and telephone wires crisscross overhead. Each of the the buildings are several stories tall and are adorned with advertisements and electric marquees.
Photo taken 1925 at Pittsburgh during her last days.
The third KATE ADAMS (1899-1927) was built by the Howard Shipyards Company at Jeffersonville, Indiana, for the Memphis and Arkansas Packet Company. Her steel hull was 240 ft. long, 40 ft. beam, 7 ft. hold, having eighteen water-tight compartments. Her over-all width was 80 ft. Each stateroom had a colonial-arched entranceway. She made her
Plan view of cofferdam for Pier No. 3. Placing concrete seal for caisson; concrete chute and material lock in upper part of picture. Man lock near center of cofferdam.