Hardee group of four sellers that include: John Braren, Barbara McLean, Sally Wilson, and Kim Anderson. They're holding newspapers, wearing Seven-Up aprons, and have large buttons. The buttons read, "Globe-Democrat/Old Newsboys Day/Fund for Children, Inc.".
"Myra Fingerhut, who has served the ONB on the same corner for 26 years, is joined on the corner of Price and Ladue by G. Duncan Bauman, pub., and Robert Hermann, ONB chairman."
A group of eight workers in aprons and buttons hold up Old Newsboys newspapers in their office space. The buttons read, "Globe-Democrat/Old Newsboys Day/Fund for Children, Inc.". The group includes: Dennis McCarthy, Thelma Niebur, Ann Mincer, Mel Evans, Bill Wipfler, Bill Race, Bob Hamilton, and Greg Dyer.
This photo in front of the Eastern Seal Society of Southwestern Illinois for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc. shows five people in Seven-Up aprons with newspapers outstretched towards the camera.
"Major Charles Klamon of Warson Woods exchanges a Globe-Democrat for a contribution to the Old Newsboys fund during his stint selling papers at Manchester Road and Woodlawn Avenue in Kirkwood."
"Seven-Up President Edward W. Frantel, left, whose firm donates aprons each year for Old Newsboys, shows off this year's version to football Cardinal coach Jim Hanifan. A number of sports figures will be on hand at Celebrity Corner, 8th and Olive streets, on Old Newsboys Day Tuesday." The two are holding up the Seven-Up Old Newsboys aprons in a football field.
"Entertainer Marty Bronson was among the familiar faces going to work for the children on Celebrity Corner, 8th and Olive streets, Tuesday morning." Bronson is seen in this photo holding a stack of newspapers printed with the "Old Newsboys Edition" banner as he shows them off.
"St. Louis County Executive Gene McNary, left, and Lt. Gov. Kenneth J. Rothman spread the spirit at Forsyth Boulevard and Central Avenue in Clayton." The two men are standing in Seven-Up aprons with buttons that read, "Globe-Democrat/Old Newsboys Day/Fund for Children, Inc.".
"Scouting: Representatives of the St. Louis Area Boy Scouts Council brought their tent along Tuesday. On Kingshighway Boulevard just south of Lindell Boulevard are Bob Russell, left, and Bob Meinholtz." In their aprons and buttons, they're showing off newspapers. The buttons read, "Globe-Democrat/Old Newsboys Day/Fund for Children, Inc.".
"Getting ready to fly high again for this year's Old Newsboys Day campaign are J.D. Chastain and Mrs. Maud Gunn. They will lead a statewide brigade of Chastain's nursing home workers and their supporters from various community groups in an effort to make Old Newsboys Day a high-flying success. A private pilot himself, Chastain and a company pilot annually fly the Old Newsboys special edition to nursing home sites throughout Missouri and Illinois."
"Optimistic: Three members of the Lemay Optimist Club hawk Old Newsboys editions before dawn at Lemay Ferry and Bayless roads in South St. Louis County. They are, from left, Joe Treadway, Skip Knopf, and Phil Mannhard."
"Members of the O'Fallon, Mo., Rotary Club will be dressed up in Newsboys aprons and getting ink on their hands for the benefit of area children's agencies. From left are Richard Roderique, Larry Doyle ad Rich Virtue." The three members are wearing Seven-Up aprons and holding out copies of the special edition of the Globe-Democrat newspaper.
"Maplewood Lions Club members get ready for the upcoming Old Newsboys Day. L-R are George Allen Fritz; Charles M. Kanne; Eddie Pilla; Wally Kiger and Charles Bohl." Each member is holding a newspaper, and they're wearing the Seven-Up apron. They're standing in front of a Lions Club banner.
"They've got the spirit: The Newsboy spirit is catching, and these four Old Newsboys show how much they've got. At Celebrity Corner, 8th and Olive streets, are, from left, Mayor Vincent C. Schoemehl Jr., Chairman Robert F. Hermann, Nora Bauman, wife of Globe-Democrat Publisher G. Duncan Bauman, and Bauman." The buttons they wear read, "Globe-Democrat/Old Newsboys Day/Fund for Children, Inc.".
"Counting up the change from the Old Newsboys Day campaign Tuesday are, from left, Campaign Chairman Robert R. Hermann; Donald E. Lasater, chairman of Mercantile Bancorporation; and Globe-Democrat Publisher G. Duncan Bauman." The three men are gathered around a change counter as coins are slowly poured into the tray.
"Attention grabbers: John F. Ancel, left, dressed as one of the Keystone Kops, and Chick Kweskin of the Carondelet Community Betterment Association must have caught he eyes of passing motorists on Old Newsboys morning as they sold papers at Broadway and Marceau. Every year for the past four or five years, Kweskin has received a $2,000 check for the Old Newsboys fund from a South Side donor who
"Extra special! Rattletrap of Six Flags Over Mid-America catches up on his reading in between hawking that extra special edition Tuesday. Rattletrap joined other celebrities at 8th and Olives streets."
"Richard Dunn, left, executive director of Boys Town of Missouri, and Bob Dunaway, executive vice president, show that Newsboy enthusiasm at Hanley and Clayton roads in Clayton."
"St. Louis University cheerleaders were rooting for Old Newsboys Tuesday. From left are Tim LaHood, Pat Gubbins, and Tom Wilcox." The buttons they wear read, "Globe-Democrat/Old Newsboys Day/Fund for Children, Inc.".