Houses were reduced to rubble, trees twisted to stumps and streetcars to splinters by the 1896 tornado, as this photograph taken on Lafayette avenue, looking east from Jefferson avenue, reveals.
Showing dredge (William H. Black) on upper side of Pilot Canal at station 6 + 00 dredging towards the 50' wide plug that will be blasted out. The (Black) dredged out the channel entrance for upper end. Dredging operations will be completed tonight.
The Kansas City organized crime family led by Nicholas Civella holds a secret interest in the Dunes Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas "fronted" by St. Louis attorney Morris A. Shenker, the FBI alleged in court documents made public Friday.
One letter, dated May 2, 1828, to the Honorable James Barbour, regarding the recommendation of Thomas McNight for the appointment of superintendent of the Upper Lead Mines.
1 letter, January 30, 1793. Text of the letter in the handwriting of Tobias Lear.
To the Rev.nd Thornton Fleming, Valantine Cooke and William McLenaham.
[Authenticated by Mount Vernon Ladies' Association]
The Rolling Stones as they appeared on stage Thursday night at the Checkdome. Charlie Watts, drummer for Rolling Stones, seen here in concert at the Arena in 1981, uses Gretsch drums.
The dredges (Ste. Genevieve) and (William H. Black) as they dredge opposite each other with 100' separating dredges to mark completion of the Diversion Channel Project. An Earth wall 50' thick will not be dredged. It will be blasted out. Dredges at station 6+00' and 7+00'. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
The Old Courthouse at 4th and Market Streets is on the eastern edge of the city's Gateway Mall area. Downtown financial interests are trying to revive the long-dormant mall which, when completed, will stretch to 21st street.