From the electronic equipment to the left of the two men on the Eads Bridge platform, water level data will be radioed directly to a satellite 23,000 miles out in space.
Fred Heimburger with his "political" bread. On the left is the sourdough "Ronald Reagan Bread." On the right is the peanut butter "Jimmy Carter Bread."
This two block area (dotted lines) is the site of a major new bank building and office complex which will be built as a joint venture by First National Bank in St. Louis, International Business Machines Corporation and the Equitable Life Assurances Society of the United States.
An Artist sketchof the proposed new $1,200,000 Armory for the One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Infantry, Missouri National Guard, as it would look if built under present tentative plans.
A decorative arch, put in place for the visiting Elks, as pictured at Anheuser-Busch Brewery in 1899. Image from St. Louis Mercantile Library collections.
"Anheuser-Busch officials completed the purchase of a 160-acre tract of land in the Tampa, Fla., Industrial Park here yesterday. August A. Busch Jr., president, said a new brewery would be built on the site. Taking part in the meeting were (from left) John L. Wilson, Anheuser-Busch executive president; Busch; Ellsworth Simmons, chairman of the board of of Tampa County Commissioners; Henry Toland