Beer gardens got their real start when the great German immigration begain to flow into St.Louis in 1848. In a matter of a few short years, beer gardens were as much a part of St. Louis as the Mississippi. One such garden was at the "Grand Centre" on Gravois.
"Modern Doughboys: In the midst of past and present entanglements, American doughboys keep in trim, forming the bulwark of American defense in a time of peace. These soldiers are part of the Sixth Infantry at Jefferson Barracks."
"100,000th Separatee of Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. Private Donald T. Wardrip, 5923 S 6th St, St. Joseph, Missouri, was the 100,000th man to be discharged from the Separation Center, Jefferson Barracks, 8 December 1945. Private Wardrip, who is 22 years of age, has been overseas 23 months. He joined the 3rd Army on 1 November 1944 and was a machine gunner in the "B" company, 37th Tank Battalion
Another old building bites the dust as a headache ball batters down the old Battery A Armoy at Grand avenue Rutger street to make way for the new David P. Wohl Health Institute.