"Dizzy" Dean laughingly tells the New York Yankees' Yogi Berra, one of the top hitters of present day baseball, that he's glad to be emceeing "Baseball Preview" every Saturday afternoon over the CBS Television Network rather than facing the American League's most valuable player. Yogi likewise seems happy that the ex-Cardinal and Cub pitching great has retired to the broadcasting booth.
A photograph taken by Marine Co. documented the damage in St. Louis from a severe flood on June 18, 1858. The streets were completely covered in water and make-shift planks provided a safe walking platform for people to safely cross from boats to the semi-submerged buildings. Two people can be seen assessing the flood damage from the rooftop of the tallest building on the left of the photograph
Drawing portraying a lady in St. Louis who disguised herself as a man to test her brother's affection for his sweetheart, and almost gets killed by the jealous lover.
Mid City Community conference at 4007 Delmar blvd. From left around table: Rev. H.J. Glasco, pastor, Mt. Bethel Baptist Church and SCLC representative in St. Louis; Rev. Arthur Marshall, pastor of Metro AME Zion Church; W.M. Bailey, chairman, West End Community conference; Percy Green, ACTION; M. Hatchett, NAACP; Solomon Rook, CORE; Father Francis Soyle, ex. director, Archdiocan commison on Human Rights.
Shows the 23rd Federal Festival of the Turner's of North America in St. Louis. Shows procession past Schnaider's Garden, Turn Hall, and 5th and Elm. Shows the Turner's athletic competition as well.
. ALONZO CHILD: Built at Louisville, Kentucky in 1857. Dimensions:1 222 x 36 x 6.5 feet; 493 tons. She had six boilers and her engines were 24 inches in diameter and 7-foot stroke. Along with other Confederate-owned steamboats, she was up Yazoo River on November 16, 1862 and at Yazoo City in May, 1863. At that time it was described in a report by a Union officer as a \"large boat whose machinery has been
Letter from Zebulon Pike to Daniel Bissell in June of 1806 discussing military affairs and the maintaining of Pike's home.
No 5 Bell Foutain. 11 June 1806. Dr. Sir Yours of the 28th June & 2� July was handed me by W. Nughz and shall be noticed in rotation, as in the first you are more than commonly complementary, but work me up after by the notice of my omission in not sending you a return of the Detachment but see here a plain tale will put you down. I was informed on my return, that all my Detachment Show moreNo 5 Bell Foutain. 11 June 1806. Dr. Sir Yours of the 28th June & 2� July was handed me by W. Nughz and shall be noticed in rotation, as in the first you are more than commonly complementary, but work me up after by the notice of my omission in not sending you a return of the Detachment but see here a plain tale will put you down. I was informed on my return, that all my Detachment Show less
PREPARING FOR EASTER EGG HUNT are members of the Hazelwood Fire Department, who are cooking and coloring 240 dozen eggs for the event, which starts at 2 p. m. Sunday behind the Hazelwood City Hall, 9150 Highway 66. They are Charles Hauck of 617 Holiday Ave., chairman of the hunt; Capt. Joseph McNamara, 7113 Fordshire la.; Wayne Sanders, 803 Bellflower dr.; Bernie McGuire, 7109 McGuire la.; and