Trifold paper brochure. On the cover is a cartoon drawing of a donkey seated on the lap of a man sitting in a chair, with that chair on the back of an elephant whose trunk is stretched upwards to the man's ear. Both the donkey and elephant are yelling into the man's ears. In a box below the cartoon is text reading "The Independent Voters Handbook A Brief Statement in favor of Senator Kennedy". The inside of the pamphlet contains four columns of text in support of Kennedy's campaign. The lower right corner contains a sketch of an elephant with a cloth on its back reading "Kennedy". On the back is a sketched drawing of then-presidential candidate John F. Kennedy above quotes from the candidate, as well as information from the group "Citizens for Kennedy" who produced the pamphlet.
Sterling silver plates were presented to each recipient in addtion to the certificates. Each plate was inscribed with the name of the winner and the category in which he was recognized.
INTO A VERMONT TIME CAPSULE goes a microfilmed copy of The Globe-Democrat. Alois J. Lorenz of St. Louis placed the film in the capsule, which will be installed in the new home office fo the National Life Insurance Company at Montpelier, Vt. Holding the original copy of the paper is a girl dressd in the costume of the 1850s when the company was founded by Dr. Julius Dewey, father of Adm. Dewey
"Nine outstanding Missouri legislators who received The Globe-Democrat Awards for meritous service during the 1959 legislative session at a dinner in Jefferson City are (seated, left to right) Representative R. J. King Jr., Republican, of St. Louis Country, most effective House member in debate; Senator Jack S. Curtis, Republican, of Springfield, Senate member showing the greatest growth in
"View of patio-court between No. 30 and No. 20 Plaza Square, looks east to No. 20, with roof of Kiel Auditorium and new Federal Building under construction at right. There is surface parking on either side of the patio-court, which features a lily pond in the center and lattice shaded benches."
White card with blue print reading "The grass roots are on fire for Chester Bowles" . "Fire" is stylized to look like flames and after "grass" there is a cartoon depiction of grass.
Judged best in the Residential Unlimited Cost Classification was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Percich... The Percichs, who were runnersup a year ago, will be awarded an engraved tray and their home will be entered in General Electric's National Outdoor Christmas Lighting competition.
Ingenuity and hard work combined with clever lighting effects produced a winner for Jim Weber... in the Residential Class with a $50 limit in The Globe-Democrat Outdoor Christmas Lighting Contest. An engraved Paul Revere bowl will be presented as first prize.
Using special indoor and outdoor lighting effects, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Cline Jr.... won in the Residential Class With a $50 Limit in The Globe-Democrat Outdoor Christmas Lighting Contest. They will receive an engraved tray. Judges said competition was keener than ever before in the 19-year-history of the contest.
Taking honors among churches which entered the Christmas lighting contest is Our Lady of Lourdes Church at... University City. A plaque emblematic of the honor will be awarded.
Winner in the Commercial and Industrial category was the Peabody Coal Company display... Its simplicity impressed the judges. A plaque will be awarded [to] the firm.
Posters bring prizes. Winners in the annual Globe-Democrat-Hawks basketball poster contest received their prizes at halftime of the Hawks-Royals game Sunday at Kiel Auditorium. Clyde Lovellette presented a portable hi-fi- record player to first-place winner Dorothy Cruse of Jefferson City while Virginia McPherson (right) of Herrin, Ill., received a portable radio for second prize. John McCarthy stands with third place winner Bill Crume of St. James, Mo., who was given a watch.
Helicopter pilot Harold Wilcoxen stands beside the [a] single-engine, three-place Bell 47-G-2 based at the helicraft he will fly on Globe-Democrat sponsored rides. It is port opposite Lambert-St. Louis Municipal Airport.
The University of Missouri's powerful football team rolled up 34 points Saturday, Oct. 8, in an impressive victory over the Air Force Academy and became the No. 1 team in high-scoring order in the Sunday Globe-Democrat Football Bonus Contest No. 2. Henry Wuensch had a perfect entry, with Missouri at the top, and wins the $1000 first prize.