Here, photographically, is a record of the 1940 All-Star game, played yesterday at Sportsmans Park. At the left the two managers get together and Bill McKechnie (left), Cincinnati's gift to the National League, seems to be getting in the last work against Joe Cronin, the Red Sox contribution to the American League lineup. Bill had the last word all the way.
The dredges (Ste. Gen.) and (William Black) as the dredge opposite each other with 100 feet between them remaining, which will complete the diversion channel project. 50 ft. of the earth will not be dredged, it will be blasted. This is at station 7+00.
Way up there: High-wire walker Jay Cochrane walks 1,000 feet across Busch Stadium during the opening night of the Moolah Shrine Circus Thursday. The circus' top attraction, Cochrane repeated the stunt his friend and mentor, Karl Wallenda, performed at the stadium 10 years ago.
MRS. WILMOTH WALLER, children's matron at the Masonic Home of Missouri, 5351 Delmar bl., for 27 years, was given a surprise birthday party last night. About 300 of her former children, many with children of their own, attended. Mrs. Waller is shown with some of her present charges. From left, they are: Tom Jenkins, 9; Polly Herman, 5; Patsy Lindsey, 11; Judith Trayenoff, 4; Bill Adams, 10; Beulah
Page from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper from June 4, 1881. The page contains two large images. The image at the top is a view of Kansas City based on a photograph by M. B. Bower. The image at the bottom is of a sixty-thousand-pound steamship bed being poured at the Morgan Iron-Works in New York City.
Dredging of first cut completed and dredge is about halfway of canal length as it backs out. View is to lower end of canal. Kansas City District, channel diversion.