BOB BURNES, SPORTS EDITOR, of The St. Louis Globe-Democrat annd (sic) KMOX Radio sportscaster interviews tennis star Pancho Segura. Burnes regularly interviews the nation's leading sports figures on his early program.
Opening that was blasted in plug to start flow of river through diversion channel. Head elevation approx. 2 feet. Towboat (Floyd) in Background. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
Begun and held with the Union Church in Buchanan County -- inscription on front page: "A different body from 'Platte River United Baptists.' They call themselves 'Regular' but mean: anti [illegible]
Democrat Don Anton and Republican Gene McNary have accused each other of paying political lip service to full disclosure of campaign contributions while attempting to keep some money sources hidden in their race for St. Louis County Supervisor.
Showing the Earth dike that now separates the present river channel and the channel that it is to be diverted into (lowerside). On upper side of dike is dredge (William H. Black). The dike will be dredged to 50' width, which will be blasted out. Dike is between stations 6+00' and 7+00'. Dredging completed tonight. In center, the blasting holes area being bored. Kansas City District, channel
Launching a 12-speech day which carried him through southern Illinois and on to Springfield, Senator John F. Kennedy campaigned vigorously Monday on the East Side after an overnight stop in St. Louis. At Granite City (above left), he met one of the day's biggest turnouts, an estimated 3000 persons who gathered in the Bellemore Village Shopping Center. Another large crowd was on hand to hear the
Approaching Kansas City while enroute from St. Joseph, Mo. To St. Louis. At right is dredge (William H. Black), which preceded us down river. Kansas City District.
After the 1959 tornado, with walls sliced away, homes in multiple-family dwellings in the 3800 block of Evans Avenue are revealed in cross section. The buildings were badly damaged, their contects largely intact.