One letter, dated May 2, 1828, to the Honorable James Barbour, regarding the recommendation of Thomas McNight for the appointment of superintendent of the Upper Lead Mines.
Mrs. Alphonso J. Cervantes lights a candle for the birthday boy. Mayor Cervantes celebrated Tuesday with his wife, a trayful of cabled messages from friends and a mini-cake, a gift of Globe-Democrat photographer Jack Fahland.
The Rolling Stones as they appeared on stage Thursday night at the Checkdome. Charlie Watts, drummer for Rolling Stones, seen here in concert at the Arena in 1981, uses Gretsch drums.
The Old Courthouse at 4th and Market Streets is on the eastern edge of the city's Gateway Mall area. Downtown financial interests are trying to revive the long-dormant mall which, when completed, will stretch to 21st street.
This picture was taken by Mr. Wesley when she left on her ill fated trip May 17, 1947 from the St. L. Levee at 6:00 P.M. Presented to the Golden Eagle River Museum by Marga Finger 1976,
Harris Teachers College has its cafeteria in a basement corridor, so crowded that it must be used as a "one-way street." A cafeteria and a gymnasium are the school's critical needs which would be met through the school bond issue to be voted on May 26, the same date as the St. Louisans will vote in the $110, 639,000 municipal bond issue. The two will be on separate ballots.
1 letter, February 27, 1786. A.L.S.
To Mr. [William] hunter, integral address cover docketed by Hunter.
[Authenticated by Mount Vernon Ladies' Association]