Warren Barrett fixing street hole; Cost: $1.96
Delivery truck driver Warren M. Barrett, provoked by the existence of a chuckhole on his route, Monday saved the city money by filling it himself...
The newly formed Non-uniformed Employees Retirement Fund board of directors held its first meeting recently in Clayton City Hall. Left to right are Ernest E. Powers, Alderman John F. Sutherland, Jerome M. Barker, vice chairman; George A. Newton, chairman; Mary Grace Hynes; former Alderman Barrett L. Scallet and Alderman Charles R. Judge. All serve on the board without pay. Newton, Barker, and Scallet serve as citizen representatives. Sutherland and Judge are aldermanic representatives and Powers and Miss Hynes are elected representatives of the non-uniformed Clayton employes.
Sculptor Simon Ybarra's concept of a planning firm's activities is depicted in this imaginative steel and copper welded sculpture, 10-feet high, which was recently erected in front of Harland Bartolomew and Associates' home office building at 165 North Meramec ave. in Clayton. The figures illustrate surveying, data recording, drafting and designing. The sculpture was commissioned in observance
Although high-rise buildings appear to dominate the Clayton skyline, there are also attractive small buildings dotted about the city and under construction. Shown here are new eating places which will serve the city's growing "daytime population." They are on Bemiston avenue near Forsyth boulevard.
Ceremonies marking construction of St. Louis County's tallest office building, the Clayton Inn Center, were held Monday. Owner-architect Bernard F. McMahon and the Clayton Inn Corp. are builders of the 24-story structure at 7777 Bonhomme ave., Clayton. The first eight floors will be garage space and there will be one floor for service.
Copper and concrete, fountains, trees and shrubs have now provided a new look for the entrance to the Seven-Up Co.'s international headquarters building. The new spherical dome over the entrance and the curved stairwell at lower left, provide contrast with the long, vertical lines of the high-rise building.
Flanked on both sides by commercial establishments, the center is the first of its kind in the county and is patterned after the storefront centers operated by the St. Louis city police department.
"It's time to change the image that kids have that a policeman is just a guy with a blue shirt, a shiny badge, and a big gun on his hip. Once we convince them we're on their side, the problem is almost solved." That quotation from one of the Berkeley Police Department's juvenile officers highlights the chief reason why the city has become the first county municipality to establish a police community relations center.
This was a scene as Montreal's John Ferguson engaged in his second fight of the night during the hockey game with the Blues Saturday at The Arena. Ferguson and Bob Plager (5) of the Blues are in action. Earlier, Ferguson had tangled with with Noel Picard. Watching are Jacques Lemaire (25) of the Canadiens with Jean Guy Talbot of the Blues next to him; Ted Harris (10), Mickey Redmond (24) and
"Gripping her flag in the midst of many others is Michelle Penny, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Penny, as she watches the Veterans Day parade Tuesday downtown."