The Bird House—not to be confused with the Bird Cage—was completed during recent years and in it are to be found specimens that have sent scouts to the four corners of the world to collect. One may spend hours in this delightful spot watching the feathered inmates at rest and play.
CARDS TEAMMATES WELCOME KEN BOYER, third baseman, as he reaches home on a sixth inning grand slammer in the fourth World Series game, Sunday. Greeting him are Carl Warwick, Dick Groat and Curt Flood, all of whom were on base when he hit the homer. At left is Bill White, the next batter.
This picture was taken by Mr. Wesley when she left on her ill fated trip May 17, 1947 from the St. L. Levee at 6:00 P.M. Presented to the Golden Eagle River Museum by Marga Finger 1976,
Harris Teachers College has its cafeteria in a basement corridor, so crowded that it must be used as a "one-way street." A cafeteria and a gymnasium are the school's critical needs which would be met through the school bond issue to be voted on May 26, the same date as the St. Louisans will vote in the $110, 639,000 municipal bond issue. The two will be on separate ballots.
Barbers sit in empty chairs as Fred Harvey barber shop in Union Station closed its doors Monday, and for the first time in the station's 70-year history travelers will not be able to get haircuts and shaves in the station. Seated on the gloomy occasion, from front to rear, are Albert Schwent, Terry Corzine and Charles Kimberlin.