The enclosed pictures were taken during August 1981 on the Beardstown Illinois waterfront showing typical river scenes with the usual amount of tugs and other equipment. The B&N RR bridge in its river mode. The stern-wheel river tug is a locally built boat, original builders and name still showing = LOGSDON = built sometime in the 1930s more details could be obtained. These pictures were taken
Dredge as it advances through canal cut at station 17+50. Total advance to date: 4,000 feet. Total production 859,260 cu. Yards. Approx 1,700 feet to dredge yet. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
Percy Green, caught with a can of spray paint and a stencil in his hands, was charged with property damage in connection with the defacing of buildings at St. Louis University, authorities said Tuesday. Green, 43, of the 4100 block of North Newstead Avenue, leader of a civil rights group called Action, was charged with third-degree property damage in warrants issued Tuesday by the circuit attorney's office. He was released on $500 bond.
These rookies have been in the army less than a month but under the intensified training schedule at Jefferson Barracks they are rapidly being converted into soldiers. They are shown here marching in review on parade grounds. Lieut. R.C. Huggins, in charge of the training of recruits is shown marching with drawn sword in front of the troops while Major Walter C. Philips reviews them from the sidelines.
"The Dragoons at Jefferson Barracks" will be the theme of the third in a series of eight 90-minute programs held in South County parks, sponsered by the St. Louis Couty Department of Parks and Recreation.
"Above is shown a proclaimation of 1847 and envelope discovered recently in New York by a collector of early unstamped postal letters, of which even the government had not previously had a copy. The document was issued by Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott, and it bears the name of an officer believed to have been stationed at Jefferson Barracks."