The enclosed pictures were taken during August 1981 on the Beardstown Illinois waterfront showing typical river scenes with the usual amount of tugs and other equipment. The B&N RR bridge in its river mode. The stern-wheel river tug is a locally built boat, original builders and name still showing = LOGSDON = built sometime in the 1930s more details could be obtained. These pictures were taken
Father Edward Dowling S. J., one of those interested in erecting stone at forgotten resting place, points with cane to exact spot of Dred Scott's grave in Calvary Cemetery while great-grandson, John A. Madison, his wife and children look on.
Percy Green, caught with a can of spray paint and a stencil in his hands, was charged with property damage in connection with the defacing of buildings at St. Louis University, authorities said Tuesday. Green, 43, of the 4100 block of North Newstead Avenue, leader of a civil rights group called Action, was charged with third-degree property damage in warrants issued Tuesday by the circuit attorney's office. He was released on $500 bond.
This dinner bill of fare is a list of dishes offered for the passengers traveling on the Saint Louis and New Orleans steamboat on February 15, 1857. The steamboat was commanded by John N. Bofinger. The menu includes a list of soup, boiled and roasted dishes, cold dishes, entrees, relishes, and desserts, as well as a list of wines available to the passengers. Also includes a timetable of
The first groups of enlisted air force reservists, from schools and colleges, farms and factories, are now arriving at Jefferson Barracks, where they will receive preaviation cadet basic training before going on to a pre-flight schools
The light tanks of the Sixth Tank Company at Jefferson Barracks, under command of Capt. J. H. Gilbreth, departed last night for Arcadia, MO., where combat problems will be worked out by 41 officers of the 420th Infantry, Reserves, as the final part of their tank training at Jefferson Barracks this season.