"Some of the prize winners. Attendance prizes were awarded to many youngsters at the clinic. Here a group inspects the loot." "Flood Leads Birds at Clinic. Cardinal Center Fielder Curt Flood demonstrated Saturday why he is one of the best ball players in the business as he led the Red Birds through the second annual baseball clinic for boys. A crowd of 10,678 turned out despite the inclement
"Convention Center may begin to rise this year. St. Louis' multimillion-dollar downtown Convention Center, now only a vast expanse of mud and puddles on the near North Side, should begin to rise from its soggy site by late this year, according to a spokesman for the city's Board of Public Service."
"St. Louis firemen Bill Knight, left, and Jack Thomas, both from Engine Co. No. 10, begin to clear debris at 3901 Palm st., where a section of wall and a porch roof collapsed Sunday night, injuring four children."
was identified by a brother - (break) - was pulled from the debris and admitted to City Hospital in critical condition. Others injured were Monica Collins, 8, daughter of Mrs. Pearlie Collins of 1901 Carr dr., who was reported in satisfactory condition at City Hospital, and Dennis Johnson, 16, of 1904 O'Fallon st., who was treated for minor injuries and released."
Image of a building collapse at 1834 Delmar Boulevard that killed one person and injured at least three others. Firemen search for victims in the rubble. The building had been burned out prior to its collapse.
Image of a building collapse at 1834 Delmar Boulevard that killed one person and injured at least three others. Firemen search for victims in the rubble. The building had been burned out prior to its collapse.