7/8-inch round, post-back clothing button with black and white portrait of William McKinley and Garret Hobart with the American flag in the background. Button has engraving on reverse side for Baldwin & Gleason Company.
7/8-inch round, pin back button with sepia portrait of William Randolph Heart with the words, "For Governor, William Randolph Hearst" surrounding the portrait. Button has paper label on reverse for Allied Printing (Newark, N.J.) and Whitehead and Hoag (Newark, N.J.)
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait of Col. Theodore Roosevelt with American flag drapery in upper left corner, all on white background. Button has paper label on reverse for National Equipment Co., New York & Whitehead & Hoag Co., Newark.
6/8-inch round, pin back button with sepia portrait of William H. Taft. Arched along the top and bottom of the button is text reading "For President, Wm H. Taft." Button has paper label on reverse for Hyatt Manufacturing Corporation, Baltimore.
Lyrics to "Walkin' down to Washington" printed in red on white paper. Distributed July 15, 1960 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum as an activity of "The Committee for the Arts".
Puzzle trade card. Front has a drawing of wooded scene with the words "Malt Bitters Puzzle" on top and below the drawing "Find our next President" If flipped upside down, one can see an outline of a face. The reverse has advertising information for malt bitters from the Malt Bitters company located in Boston, Ma.
Pledge sheet for then-presidential candidate George C. Wallace. The back has a space for signing up as a member of the "American Independent Party". The inside lists Wallace's qualifications and accomplishments.
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait of William Randolph Hearst on a white background. The words "Hearst For President" in white letters on a blue background surround the portrait. Button has paper label on reverse for the American Badge Company (Chicago, Il.)
Sticker in the shape of the United States. The top is blue with white stars in a horizontal stripe. In the middle of the stripe there is the logo for the "Retail Clerks Union" and below "Active Ballots Club" is printed in white. Below the blue is a horizontal white stripe with blue print reading "Humphrey" with blue stars on either side. Below are vertical red and white stripes.
1-inch round, pin back button with color portrait of William H. Taft against a blue and beige background. The words "Missouri First Voters Taft League" are arched over his head in black. Button has paper label on reverse for Bastian Bros. Co., Rochester, NY.
21/4 inch by 3 1/2 inch textile sticker. Black text at the top reads "NBC Election Year '68". A waving American flag motif fills the center. Black text at the bottom reads "Election Reporter".
White paper brochure with blue cover. "Platform for the People" is printed in white on the front and below is a quote describing the "1960 Democratic Platform". The inside of the pamphlet covers the platform of the Democratic party. The back has a black and white photograph of then presidential candidate John F. Kennedy and vice presidential candidate Lyndon B. Johnson. Below in blue "Leadership
Photograph of General Grant by W.P. Jackson of Sedalia, Missouri. Oval photograph with raised flags, laurel, and eagle surrounding. The back states July 4th.
Full page cartoon from Harper's Weekly Magazine Issue 1124 (Dec. 2, 1871). Caption reads "To Whom It May Concern: New York. 'Now You See What I Did About It. Go Forth And Do Likewise'"
Card distributed by "Hoover For President Club". Across the top of the card it reads "A Pledge to Vote for Hoover and Curtis". Spaces are available to fill in for location, "Name", "Address", "Place", "Precinct", and "Phone".
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait jugate of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt framed by a golden scroll on a dark blue background. Button has paper label on reverse for Whitehead & Hoag Co., Newark and Allied Printing Trades Council 3, Newark.
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portraits of McKinley and Roosevelt in oval frames over an American flag with a gold background. Button has paper label on reverse for Baldwin and Gleason Co., Ltd, New York.
Flyer composed of a picture of then presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy looking left. To his right is a picture of people with "McCarthy for President" signs. Above these photos in white print "McCarthy for President, courage...integrity...honor" is written. On the back of the flier there is a photo of McCarthy looking out of a window. To his right, there are quotes by him, as well as information about McCarthy. Below the picture of McCarthy it reads "Eugene McCarthy is the Man for President" and lists his accomplishments.