"Balancing Act: Framed by the Gateway Arch, a workman stands on a steel girder to direct a crane operator at the St. Louis Gateway Exhibition and Convention Center constuction site."
Well formed. Sitting on "Cruciform," a 10-foot-high swirling-type statue in the garden court of the Equitable Building downtown is Miss Kathy Robinson, a 22-year-old secretary.
Martin L. Duggan, left, congratulates winners of the Richard H. Amberg Memorial Award, Lt. Cmdr. Kenneth L. Ernst and Boatswain Mate J.C.' Michael Harcourt, right. In back are winners of the Globe-Democrat Distinguished Service Award , from left, Melvin Stern, WIlliam Reinhold, O. G. Pressley, Ralph W. Groves, John A. Gaylon, Thomas F. Beatty and D. L. Dennis.
Halftime Break. With the North team ahead, 10-0, fans get up to stretch during halftime. Performing on the field is the Golden Eagle Band of Southeast Missouri State College. The Gabrielettes, the St. Louis Cadets and the Memorial Lancers also entertained.
Image depicts several boys crowded on benches at the State Training School for Boys in Boonville. The school was built for 350 but inmates were near 600.
Robert Duffe, an assistant to Mayor Alfonso J. Cervantes, talks on Thursday at the City Hall with Viola Anderson, spokesman for the National Council for White Civil Rights.