The new toll-free chain of rocks bridge (foreground) will cut deeply into revenues realized by Madison, Ill., from the present span (background), which is only 1800 feet upstream.
This photo, above, was taken Tuesday, showing the traffic situation on the old Chain of Rocks bridge now that the new Chain of Rocks bridge has opened.
Work resumed on the new Chain of Rocks bridge Monday, after a five-month delay. Work was halted Nov. 22 because of bad weather and alleged unreasonable construction costs. The Ruckman and Hansen Construction Company of Fort Wayne, Ind., has been paying a $250 daily penalty since Nov. 20 for delays in construction.
The railings along the eastbound lanes of the new Chain of Rocks Bridge (Interstate 270), which spans the Mississippi River in North St. Louis County, were due to be completed last November. The bridge can not be used until the work is finished, forcing motorists to use the narrow, two-lane bridge south of the new span.
The new Chain of Rocks bridge may be opened to traffic in "installments" with the two westbound lanes opened before the end of the year. This picture shows the concerete deck portion of the bridge with the westbound lanes nearing completion.
Dirt and junk is piled at the Missouri entrance to the old Chain of Rocks Bridge. The City of Madison closed the 56-year-old span after the Interstate 270 toll-free bridge opened in 1969.
Ribbon cutters at ceremonies marking opening of new Chain of Rocks Bridge Friday. From left, are James A. Kearns Jr. of the Missouri State Highway Commission, Aloys P. Kaufmann, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis, and Robert E. Kronst, district engineer of Illinois Division of Highways.
Area where man is standing is the proposed site were climbing takes place pointed out by an employee of the Sheriff's Dept. of St. Louis County. The employee sees them climbing all the time on his health walk during lunch time.
A "flea market" on the old Chain of Rocks Bridge north of St. Louis may soon be more than just an idea. Mayor Mike Sasyk of Madison, Ill., said Thursday his city--which owns the bridge--and a Missouri firm appear to be ready to sign an agreement for setting up a flea market that would deal in specialty items.
Nearing completion is a new bridge over Deer Creek near Litzinger and McKnight roads, part of a 1955 County bond issue project to extend Rock Hill road north to Litzinger in a straight line. The new roadway is parallel to the existing Rock Hill road and is located a few hundred feet to the east.