St. Louis, MO (10-28-86): Globe Press Conference - William E. Franke, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat at press conference Tuesday evening.
Ed DeRoche, Ph.D., explains a point to teachers at a recent Globe-Democrat Newspaper in Education summer workshop held at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. Another summer workshop will be held Aug. 1-10 at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
St. Louis, MO (3-26-84/01): Globe to Start Afternoon Paper - Jeff and Debbie Gluck announce plans to start publishing a new afternoon newspaper in St. Louis. The paper will be a separate paper from the globe with a new name and format to be decided. It should publication in 3 weeks.
Jefferson City, MO (15 May 1982) part of the military award recipients in the rotunda of the Missouri State Capitol building, Jefferson City, Missouri.
K. Leslie Gillam, 10 years old, wanted to know from his mother (Dorris Gillam) when his father S.F.C. Kermit Gillam was getting his award. The Family is from Potosi, MO.
These well know St. Louisans are up to their necks in the task of examining some of the thousands of entries in the Globe-Democrat's "Famous Names" contest. They will certify the winning entries within a few days. They are, left to right: Frank C. Hamilton, president of the St. Louis Advertising Club; Thomas N. Dysart, president of the St. louis Chamber of Commerce; James J. Fitzgerald, president of the Board of Education; Mayor Dickman, and nelson R. Darragh, president of the Better Business Bureau.
Bettendorf-Rapp Display at the Globe-Democrat Modern Living Show attracts considerable attention from the thousands of visitors attending the fifth annual show at Kiel Auditorium. The show, open from noon to 10:15 p.m., ends Saturday.
Crowd gathers at Modern Living Show around Jim Denker of the Cottage Bakery in St. Charles, as he demonstrates the art of icing a cake in the Master Retail bakers booth. Cakes were later auctioned for the benefit of the Cripples Children's Society.
H. E. Wuertenbaecker Jr., vice president, marketing, for Union Electric, presents portable color tv set to Mrs. Marguerite Bauer, 201 Dana dr., Collinsville. Mrs. Bauer, a teacher at Summit Elementary School, Collinsville, won the set in a contest conducted daily at the Union Electric booth at The Globe-Democrat's Modern Living Show.