A tourist guide and directory for the year 1884, it is authored by a nine year veteran of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Force and contains maps of commuter railroad lines, descriptions of resorts and businesses along each of these lines, and illustrations of prominent buildings and attractions throughout the city.
Vol. XXII, No. 24. Boat Lines Request Support: Affirms Senator Burton's Statement That People Do Not Utilize Present Depth of Water-Steamboats Begging For Business. U. S. Dredge Engineer Drowned. New Machinery Being Built. The St. Charles (MO.) Boat Races. Gracey Childers Burns to Water's Edge. Hoosier Boy Wins Again.
This document contains the thirtieth annual report of the St. Louis Mercantile Library Association for the year 1875. It was published following the annual meeting in January of 1876.