Letter from Zebulon Pike to Daniel Bissell in June of 1806 discussing military affairs and the maintaining of Pike's home.
No 5 Bell Foutain. 11 June 1806. Dr. Sir Yours of the 28th June & 2� July was handed me by W. Nughz and shall be noticed in rotation, as in the first you are more than commonly complementary, but work me up after by the notice of my omission in not sending you a return of the Detachment but see here a plain tale will put you down. I was informed on my return, that all my Detachment Show moreNo 5 Bell Foutain. 11 June 1806. Dr. Sir Yours of the 28th June & 2� July was handed me by W. Nughz and shall be noticed in rotation, as in the first you are more than commonly complementary, but work me up after by the notice of my omission in not sending you a return of the Detachment but see here a plain tale will put you down. I was informed on my return, that all my Detachment Show less
The Sixty Infrantry (above) passingin review before its commanding officer, Col. Joseph A. Atkins, yesterday afternoon at Jefferson Barracks after the post had been inspected by Major Gen. Charles D. Harron, commanding the Sixth Corps area.
Long rated as one of the state's crack National Guard units, Light Battery A had its banner hanging from a tree to mark its camp ground and to guide visitors about the company's section in CampStephens.
Beer gardens got their real start when the great German immigration begain to flow into St.Louis in 1848. In a matter of a few short years, beer gardens were as much a part of St. Louis as the Mississippi. One such garden was at the "Grand Centre" on Gravois.