Candidates for the rank of honorary Captain of the 138th Infantry Regiment's Tank Company are, from left, front row, Gail Brinker, 2426 Goodale ave., Overland; Joyce Verberder, 6037 Oleatha ave.; Mrs. Willie Hood, 3809 Flad ave., and, rear row, Laurie Schlueter, 3500 Pine Grove ave., Pine Lawn, and Helen Sandoxis, 3804 South Compton ave.
Three barges lodged against the Eads Bridge after they broke loose from their tow in 1973, and the bridge had to be closed to railroad traffic until an evaluation of the damage was made.
"This is part of the $150,000,000 in brewery equipment idled by the work stoppage at Anheuser-Busch, Inc. This picture shows the deserted equipment on the sixth floor of the bottling plant."