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(101 - 120 of 167)


For Governor, Martin G. Brumbaugh Button
The Only ISSUE Is Roosevelt Brochure
"The Duke in '88" Bubble Gum Cigar
"Win With Bush" Bubble Gum Cigar
Teddy Roosevelt Sepia Button
McKinley Portrait Button (Small)
Taft Blue Button
William H. Taft Sepia Button
Wm. H. Taft of Ohio Button
T.R. Button
Catholic Chancery Office Building
I Voted* Bloomberg Magazine Cover
Richard Nixon The Record. Handbill
Pull for Candidate Postcard
Veterans and Reagan-Bush '84 Brochure
This Time, Nixon Brochure
Robert Kennedy Handbill
"The Logical Choice" Leaflet
"Young Voters for the President" Poster
Eisenhower Cartoon Book


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