Resident gardener Alois Hangge trims a rose bush at Neighborhood Gardens while William Dilworth, maintenance man at the apartment complex, paints a porch.
Where Housing Costs Are Low: There are 252 apartments in the Neighborhood Gardens, occupying the block bounded by Seventh, Eighth, Biddle and O'Fallon streets, which will be operated under the supervision of the Neighborhood Association, of which J. A. Wolfe, who concieved the idea of the Gardens, is the secretary. This photo shows one of several wings of the building.
One of the Main Entrances: The Neighborhood Gardens is a $740,000 project, of which $638,000 was furnished by the Housing Division of the PWA on a first mortgage and $100,000 was supplied by 10 directors of the Neighborhood Association, a local concern, on a second Mortgage. The PWA loan will mature over a 35-year period.
Plenty of Air: First preference in renting the apartments is given to persons who have resided within 10 blocks of the Garden, providing a comfortable home at a moderate price
"A Corner of the Bathroom: As seen in other rooms of the apartment, compactness is observed here, with a view to providing as much light and air as possible."
From A Balcony: Each apartment has its own balcony with an outlook on street or court. In the latter a swimming pool is being constructed for the children.
From the left, Bernard Whyman and Norvel Levine show Leon Sosna, their accountant, some of the improvements they plan to make to Neighborhood Gardens, once the pride of the near northside.
Through The Windows: The various apartments will be heated from a central supply system, will have hot and cold running water, gas or electricity for cooking, bath, and each tenant will be assigned space in the basement for laundry purposes.
An Interior View: The photographer set up his camera in the hall, and the picture was taken through the front door of an apartment looking into to living room, off of which, as the open door indicates, is the kitchen.
Compact But Comfortable: The efficiency apartment idea has been carried out, with rooms small but furnishings complete. There is ample closet space and the architects were not sparing with the windows.
The 252-family Neighborhood Gardens development is nearing completion in the block between Sevent, Eighth, Biddle, and O'Fallon streets. The Public Works Administration is lending $640,000 of the total of $742,000. Rents will range between $19.50 to $33 a month. The project is being built by Hoener, Baum, & Froese, architects.
Caption on back: "In The Kitchen: The housewife will literally have everything at her finger tips, with sink, cupboards, electrical gadgets and stove all within almost arm's reach."