The Peerless, Captain Tom Barry, was an Alabama River packet running from Mobile to Montgomery, Alabama. She was built as the James T. Staples in 1908 at Mobile, Alabama and her net and gross tonnage was 365. The high pressure machinery was rated as 900 horsepower. The wooden hull was 200 x 40 x 5.1 feet. She carried a crew of 41. The Staples exploded her boilers on January 9, 1913, was partially
Liberty and she was shifted to Cairo. On September 27, 1919, the boat was sold by a U. S. Marshal to satisfy debts. She was purchased by Captain John F. Klein for a reported $1250. She was finally crossed out by the Inspectors and dismantled. The fine bell, containing $1500 in silver dollars, was bought by Captain Jeff Hicks for $650. He also bought the electric plant and shipped both to his home in
A steel hull packet built at Dubuque, Iowa in 1894. Her dimensions were 244.6 x 34 x 7.2 feet. She had four boilers and her engines were 20 inches in diameter with an 8-foot stroke. On her maiden trip she came out in charge of Captain Browlaski. In landing at Cape Girardeau, she came in too hard and punched a hole in her head on a rock. Although this filled her forward compartment she made the
October 29, 1937. - Looking downstream from pilot house of Grafton, about station 223-00. Note face of cut standing practically vertical, also water and sand running out gut about where dragline is located