Battle of Police, Militants Subsides Into Verbal Feud: At Black Liberator's press conference Friday, from left, are Charles Keonm head of the group; Leroy Cooks and Robert Curtis, attorney for the Liberatros.
Observations on Febrile Contagion, and on the Means of Improving the Medical Police of the City of New York. Delivered as an Introductory Discourse, in the Hall of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Letter from the New York businessman John Jacob Astor to Anthony Charles Cazenove in Alexandria, Virginia in July of 1813. Astor writes to ask Cazenove to procure him 15 to 20,000lbs. of some commodity.
Speech given to the Independent Order of Odd Fellow, the Masons, and the Sons of Temperance in Saint Louis advocating for a new temperance organization.