The Mississippi river (which flows under the pictured Eads Bridge) continues to rise, with a rise of 27 feet expected Thursday morning, 28.2 Friday and 28.8 Saturday.
The Mississippi moves timelessly on its way to the sea; past St. Louis it moves and under the great Eads Bridge that has come to seem almost as timeless as the river, and almost as majestic.
An employee of Anchor Distributors, Inc., 1619 Washington ave., shows police detectives where security guard Joseph Hankins, 55, was standing when he was fatally shot in a $23,000 jewelry holdup at the Anchor showrooms Feb. 12.
The Golden Eagle is spreading its wings amd soon will have an all-season sidewalk café that will blend a continental idea with old St. Louis environment. Herb Glazier, on cobblestone walk, co-proprietor of the Eagle, shows an old iron fence and gaslight standard which will be part of the outdoor cafe.
Thousand of Fashion-Consious women, including those above being directed to seats, filled Kiel Audtorium's Convention Hall twice Wednesday for the afternoon and evening performances of The Globe-Democrat's Fall Fashion show.
Thousand of Fashion-Consious women, including those above being directed to seats, filled Kiel Audtorium's Convention Hall twice Wednesday for the afternoon and evening performances of The Globe-Democrat's Fall Fashion show.
"Vivid paisley vinyl made into a shiny hat and raincoat is worn by Judie Drewel. The outfit, which also includes a matching umbrella and boots, can be found at Stix, Baer and Fuller."
"Giant tattersal plaid coordinates in red, white and blue from Four Corners set the sportswear scenes for Garland's. Checking their cue sheet are models Ginny Van Sciever (left) and Joy Kinder."
"Simple and elegant describes the soft yellow silk ensemble worn by Scottie Donley, who modeled for Garland's. The sleeveless dress is embossed with grosgrain ribbon appliques. "
"Work on the $34 million Gateway Convention Center, right foreground, is one month ahead of its scheduled June 25, 1977, opening, said center Director Eugene L. Beckerle. Beckerle praised 'tremendous cooperation' by labor and said the center is near the 60 per cent completion mark. Construction of the hotel at left is expected to be completed at the same time as the center."
"This is part of the $100,000 wardrobe from Universal - International's production of 'Thoroughly Modern Millie' that will be shown at the Ladies Baseball Clinic Wednesday. Models, from left, are Joan Adler, Mary Greenberg, Scotti Donley, Marie Behan, Climer Taylor, and Linda Eliott."