Lindell Terrace apartment residents, Lindell boulevard and Taylor ave. is nearing completion, with the Taylor avenue entrance to be open within the next few weeks, according to L.J. Adreon, executive vice president of the Siteman Organization, developer of the project.
Lindell Tower (left) and Daniel Boone Apartments, 3733-45 Lindell Boulevard, management of which has been taken away from insolvent Central States Life Insurance Company by apartment bondholders.
Revised plans to convert all 1,385 Audubon Park apartment units into a smaller number of condominium units were announced Monday night by the Jefferson Savings and Loan Association.
Two comments on back: "Overall view of the senior citizen bazaar at Maryville Gardens." "Fund-raiser: Last weekend's bazaar at Maryville Gardens apartment complex in South St. Louis raised funds to buy activity equipment for disabled senior citizens. More than $6,500 was --" cut to - "to purchase gift and decorative items. The two-year-old apartment complex is built on the former campus for Maryville College and later for Augustinian Academy."
"Only Spring remained on the Montclair Apartments terrace yesterday after Fall, a companion-piece statuary, was stolen sometime in the morning. Mrs. Lillian Vilmos, one of the managers of the apartment building's Chantilly Room, inspects the empty pedestal as Spring stands alone in the background."
"24-Family fire-proof apartment just completed at 3838 Park Avenue, by McKelvy Carter & Co., for Spring-Park Realty Co., Manske & Bartling, Architects."
Caption on back: "The Montclair Apartments, 18 Kingshighway overlooking Forest Park, changed hands last week in a stock sale from the building corporation which erected it two years ago. Undisclosed Eastern interests acquired it."
The building's interior has been gutted, and construction crews are busily working to meet the May 10 opening date of what is called St. Louis' first downtown rehabbed loft apartment project.
"Sketches of the Controversial: &15,000,000 Westchester Heights housing project were released yesterday by the promoters. The proposed project is planned for an area bounded at one point by Natural Bridge avenue and Goodfellow boulevard. The housing development would be built (top) around existing residences that stand in the center of the site. One of the three types of apartment dwellings
"Sketches of the Controversial: &15,000,000 Westchester Heights housing project were released yesterday by the promoters. The proposed project is planned for an area bounded at one point by Natural Bridge avenue and Goodfellow boulevard. The housing development would be built (top) around existing residences that stand in the center of the site. One of the three types of apartment dwellings