Photograph of uniformed soldiers in a trench with supplies in between them. The camera is aimed down the trench from one side. This angle shows the depth of the trench as the men stand looking out of it.
-line desolation at the River Yperlee near Ypres, in 1917./Bottom: Fifty years and a second war after World War I, Flanders' fields lie in quiet peace on the River Yperlee near Ypres."
This photo shows the RMS Lusitania before its sinking. It's surrounded by smaller ships moving alongside it. The steamship has 4 stacks and 2 masts at the bow and stern of the ship.
This scan of a newspaper discussing the sinking of the RMS Lusitania has a blocked out photograph, and a headline that reads "Lusitania Sunk by a Submarine, Probably 1,260 Dead; Twice Torpedoed Off Irish Coast; Sinks in 15 Minutes; Capt. Turner Saved, Frohman and Vanderbilt Missing; Washington Believes that a Grave Crisis is at Hand". There is a notice acknowledging that travel on the Atlantic
This photo is a vertical view of a trench with deceased soldiers and clothing filling the bottom of the trench. The ground is muddy, and the hills on either side of the trench slope inward. They are peppered with soldiers and brush.
"Spring 1919 - and marching up Fifth Avenue is the First Battalion of the 308th Infantry, the famous "Lost Battalion" of the 77th Division's Argonne campaign. They have just passed under the arch of Victory, a decorative feature for the celebrations. Many such parades marked the return from France of divisions of the American Expeditionary Force."
This photo of Trafalgar Square shows a crowd gathered around the monument as a speech is given concerning the war effort. A lion statue sits to the right of the makeshift stage. In the background is a sign for Bovril and Schweppes Ginger Ale, and a two-story bus. There's a sign behind the speakers which reads, "We're both needed to serve the Guns!"
stronghold houses American troops, who may be seen daily at their drill there. As shown in the lower photo, a company of the 17th at drill at Ehrenbreitstein, on the Rhine. The 17th Artillery is part of the U.S. 1st Division."
"The twenty-ninth United States Infantry, sailed from New York, March 17 for the Panama Canal Zone., where it will be part of the permanent military garrison of the camal. The regiment, escorted by a large force of National guardsmen, paraded through the Metropolis and was reviewed at the City Hall by Major General Leonard Wood of the Eastern Division, Mayor Mitchall, General Ryan, General Green
This photo shows a ship covered in black lines as it sinks into the choppy sea. The bow is still out of the water, but the rest of the ship is dipping into the water.
This photo shows Wall Street filled completely with people outside of Federal Hall. There are flags hanging down the street and off of the building columns, and above the columns is a sign that says, "Get into the Fight - Buy Liberty Bonds".
This photo depicts a camp of soldiers and tents. There are two groups of soldiers eating on the ground talking to one another. Tents stretch the length of the photo, and in the background are forest-covered hills.
This photo shows a group of well dressed women marching with flags and signs; the main woman in the photo is holding a sign that says, "I was born in 1863. The spirit of war surrounded me. Now the spirit of war has come again and I have a son with - The Fighting Men!"
This photo is of a large group of people waiting next to a group of train tracks at Woodhaven Junction. There is a sign being held by one of the men standing there that says, "Express Woodhaven to Berlin/No Sleepers/Camp Upton". Many of those waiting for the train and seeing loved ones off are holding American flags.
"A Few of the 37 Million/The world counted 37 million casualties, with nine million dead, when World War I ended in November, 1918, after 4 1/2 bloody years. Sparked by an assassination in the Balkans, it soon involved almost all the armies of Europe, and by spring, 1917, also the United States. Here, with the smoke of battle in the background, wounded are loaded into Red Cross ambulances on the