The Cardinals and the Milwaukee Braves bombarded opposing pitchers for a total of 45 runs to finish in a tie for first and second place in the $1000 Baseball Bonus scoring period of July 13 through July 19.
Ten finalists in The Globe-Democrat's contest to select an official Scout correspondent to cover the National Jam boree at Valley Forge, Pa., July 12 to 18, toured the newspaper yesterday.
"Eight persons were hurt when the second story porch of a flat at 3302 Chouteau collapsed yesterday. The floor of the porch is just barely hanging to the side of the building as firemen prepare to clear the debris after removing the injured."
Demonstrators inside the bank are listening to Joseph McDonnell, executive vice president of the bank, as her reads the injunction issued by Circuit Judge Michael J. Scott.
Three demonstrators lie in front of a police department truck as it pulls away from the curb with a load of persons arrested during a resumption of civil rights demonstrations at the Jefferson Bank and Trust Company.
Circle and dotted line in picture show spot from which a strip of cornice broke loose on the Board of Education Building and fell to the street below yesterday.
Throngs waiting to register at the St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners recently included a good represenation of Negroes, whose vote is an important factor in the outcome of elections here.