The meeting record of the Saint Louis Lyceum is a large hand-written book recording the institution's founding constitution, by-laws, and meeting minutes as recorded by various elected secretaries. It documents the organizations membership, lectures, and debated questions from 1838 into the 1840s.
Report by the Committee of the Public Lands from the citizens of Indiana, on the construction of a national railroad from the Mississippi to the Columbia River, a memorial for Asa Whitney, and a grant of public land to build a railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean.
Historically, the Mercantile Library had several bound volumes of "Baptist Pamphlets" which were initially part of John Mason Peck's library but catalogued together under one call number. These volumes have been disbound and each pamphlet put in a separate, non-acidic enclosure. A number has been added to an alphabetical arrangement. The list is roughly arranged alphabetically by the first important word of the Church, benevolent Society, or other organization's title or name concerned.