. d Sfilifls Jilaiiigii-n.8. 001.01: ED 11342114351: »'V-EL 7E.TS---Etdih zpcsimié Only in I BEA oz’: 15;4.2tm'.9sJ3: 1.11: vtsrrsi-_tre;«g)«s}i2ia?§o émd ..De3ir'ablo. COLORED .DA2}IA"SS.E' PL U311‘.--Also Scarce and Da- 27-Inc7r1zL;tcj:r 31.5.1: Vicr. VETS at $3 so and up. Illa’ ll-Silk Ball is ii We have these Ifncompmvzfilo Goods in 25 and .97 -inches at Show more. d Sfilifls Jilaiiigii-n.8. 001.01: ED 11342114351: »'V-EL 7E.TS---Etdih zpcsimié Only in I BEA oz’: 15;4.2tm'.9sJ3: 1.11: vtsrrsi-_tre;«g)«s}i2ia?§o émd ..De3ir'ablo. COLORED .DA2}IA"SS.E' PL U311‘.--Also Scarce and Da- 27-Inc7r1zL;tcj:r 31.5.1: Vicr. VETS at $3 so and up. Illa’ ll-Silk Ball is ii We have these Ifncompmvzfilo Goods in 25 and .97 -inches at Show less
an npapropgiation of $75,000101' closing crevasses and res. s; in Il_li- nois, $51,264 above, and $490,380 below the Ohio; in Missouri, $10,000;.in Teni_1es_see_, $1,299,180; in Arkansas, $178,000; in Mississippi, $677,750; _ in Louisiana and for raisingniid s_trengt11ening levees on the Lower Mississippi, $1,000,000. The aggregated amount _is $3,871,574. 1110 jurisdiction of ‘the committee h... Show more an npapropgiation of $75,000101' closing crevasses and res. s; in Il_li- nois, $51,264 above, and $490,380 below the Ohio; in Missouri, $10,000;.in Teni_1es_see_, $1,299,180; in Arkansas, $178,000; in Mississippi, $677,750; _ in Louisiana and for raisingniid s_trengt11ening levees on the Lower Mississippi, $1,000,000. The aggregated amount _is $3,871,574. 1110 jurisdiction of ‘the committee having been Show less