Handkerchiefs, New Buttons, New Colored Ribbons, New Fancy Ribbons. We will begin the season by oiferin our departments,‘ and call special attents on to he following: Satin and Gros Grain Ribbon, No. 5, 100 Satin and Grbs Grain Ribbon, No, 7,. 150 - Satin e.nd,G~ros Grain Ribbon, No. 9, 171-20 : Satin and Gros Grain Ribbon, N 0. 12, 22 1-2:: New Fancy Ribbon, No. 9, ' : : 150 New Fancy Ribbon... Show more Handkerchiefs, New Buttons, New Colored Ribbons, New Fancy Ribbons. We will begin the season by oiferin our departments,‘ and call special attents on to he following: Satin and Gros Grain Ribbon, No. 5, 100 Satin and Grbs Grain Ribbon, No, 7,. 150 - Satin e.nd,G~ros Grain Ribbon, No. 9, 171-20 : Satin and Gros Grain Ribbon, N 0. 12, 22 1-2:: New Fancy Ribbon, No. 9, ' : : 150 New Fancy Ribbon, No. 12 Show less
'e;.Stor,e " ' EFTHSTREET. ' Pour Onion Din-£ter':r.~.:‘t'r., ‘ ' |‘W.l3Hi.\‘O1‘0l!’, D. 0.. October lb, test. = PBOPOSAJB will be received it’ i1teConlrnct Dllll_:e' of this De-purl-. . and depnrtuma ‘specllie'i_1‘b}' the ‘De? ET» -219. Y 8 H01. :I;.l:ltcl§3 Alto “C(_)filPLE’l‘E STOCK. FOR T AYS I BEND Foii. PRICE LIST. :($0n&8.¢:l§8lii11:iOnd5‘nlid nil ‘other Show more'e;.Stor,e " ' EFTHSTREET. ' Pour Onion Din-£ter':r.~.:‘t'r., ‘ ' |‘W.l3Hi.\‘O1‘0l!’, D. 0.. October lb, test. = PBOPOSAJB will be received it’ i1teConlrnct Dllll_:e' of this De-purl-. . and depnrtuma ‘specllie'i_1‘b}' the ‘De? ET» -219. Y 8 H01. :I;.l:ltcl§3 Alto “C(_)filPLE’l‘E STOCK. FOR T AYS I BEND Foii. PRICE LIST. :($0n&8.¢:l§8lii11:iOnd5‘nlid nil ‘other Show less
offer 2 bales more of Shaped and Striped Home Blnnketa—beet goods 1n the market, 750 each. ' - ' . Also 10 be.les'a.aaorted Horse Coyere, ranging $1.00 up to $7.50 ea.ch——a1l 4 very much below former pnc . - — ,. . We have put inthie sale 5 bales of our regular $1.00 Oomborte. full nine , endpweight. at 760 each. ‘ , I ’_ 25‘ “etc tto Comf ts 'l1be ff ed. _hi w ztnrantee, - , baa1a Show more offer 2 bales more of Shaped and Striped Home Blnnketa—beet goods 1n the market, 750 each. ' - ' . Also 10 be.les'a.aaorted Horse Coyere, ranging $1.00 up to $7.50 ea.ch——a1l 4 very much below former pnc . - — ,. . We have put inthie sale 5 bales of our regular $1.00 Oomborte. full nine , endpweight. at 760 each. ‘ , I ’_ 25‘ “etc tto Comf ts 'l1be ff ed. _hi w ztnrantee, - , baa1a Show less
and -anti. .10 y mtoiin. » lrhu - zip:-it-roednal-1,: ninth "manor. You I" . 1.. at .Low.\r. 91.13. 2. l.nom.~:sosi. u._n. '.!7KP5133ll§'IiI1iI_JtI;na.ai:‘n win on non." S'§Jjiff,'."‘~S’fieélfié A 7 sum. Gm. iiolii rronr'£u'ton.~ Sold as; 11ICI*I.&.1i;l)S()N . 82; ' 0'0. sci nmni ud neon: tum-xi . -, onloll. " ’- . . V " ‘V ~61? W Show more and -anti. .10 y mtoiin. » lrhu - zip:-it-roednal-1,: ninth "manor. You I" . 1.. at .Low.\r. 91.13. 2. l.nom.~:sosi. u._n. '.!7KP5133ll§'IiI1iI_JtI;na.ai:‘n win on non." S'§Jjiff,'."‘~S’fieélfié A 7 sum. Gm. iiolii rronr'£u'ton.~ Sold as; 11ICI*I.&.1i;l)S()N . 82; ' 0'0. sci nmni ud neon: tum-xi . -, onloll. " ’- . . V " ‘V ~61? W Show less
"Direct Associated Press Wirephoto service was inaugurated by the Globe-Democrat yesterday. The new facilities are located on the fifth floor of the Globe-Democrat Building, adjoining the news department. John Kinman, AP traffic bureau chief in St. Louis, watched August Elmer, an operator, remove a negative from the receiver."