Vol. XXXIX, No. 27. Announces meeting of the Ohio Valley Improvement Association in Paducah, Kentucky on October 11 and 12 of 1926. Retrospective account of the river career of Commodore F. A. Laidley, the former president of the Louisville & Cincinnati Packet Company.
Critic of Clark's scientific work as well as a claim for the initial invention of the gas blowpipe by Robert Hare, M.D., who invented the Hydro-oxygen blowpipe.
Speech of Hon. J.H. Thomas of Tennessee in the House of Representatives. In Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, on the Bill to Authroize a Loan Not Exceeding Eighteen Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars.
Dissertation on Sanguinaria Canadensis (Blood Root) Submitted to the Public Examination of the Trustees of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of the State of New York