cl l nnnnnnnnnnn, Gen. nnen, ununndun T VOL: 3---NO. 334. 1. ‘i£011ia(Rlohr~ifi£11I0tr ST. LOUIS, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 1878. STERLING SILVER'WARE. in View °f ti,” ‘"3"? Weddings that are soon to take place, EUGENE JACCARD ,& CO. Call Special Attention to their Extensivetstockof Solid Silver Spoons, Forks, We Take Particular Pains in Getting Up Outfits of Silver for WEDDING Show morecl l nnnnnnnnnnn, Gen. nnen, ununndun T VOL: 3---NO. 334. 1. ‘i£011ia(Rlohr~ifi£11I0tr ST. LOUIS, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 1878. STERLING SILVER'WARE. in View °f ti,” ‘"3"? Weddings that are soon to take place, EUGENE JACCARD ,& CO. Call Special Attention to their Extensivetstockof Solid Silver Spoons, Forks, We Take Particular Pains in Getting Up Outfits of Silver for WEDDING Show less
«English serge, 12350: were 25c. 900 yards plaid mohair, 15c; were 350.. _ 700 ya.rds English diagonals, 150; were 25c. 800 yards twillcd pongee silks, 25c; were 75c. 70?) yards plaid pongec silks, 25c; were 650. 500 yards Japanese poplins, 12,550: were 250. 45.’) yards checked Japanese silk, 20c; were 45c. 2,000 yards corded Pacific lawns, 7}5c, were 15c. 60.”! yards bourcttcs, 22%c, were 300.... Show more «English serge, 12350: were 25c. 900 yards plaid mohair, 15c; were 350.. _ 700 ya.rds English diagonals, 150; were 25c. 800 yards twillcd pongee silks, 25c; were 75c. 70?) yards plaid pongec silks, 25c; were 650. 500 yards Japanese poplins, 12,550: were 250. 45.’) yards checked Japanese silk, 20c; were 45c. 2,000 yards corded Pacific lawns, 7}5c, were 15c. 60.”! yards bourcttcs, 22%c, were 300. 30 pieces Show less
;""""‘5-’=’-'-'5'-'~4"-7&1 "I"~'-'{§""“",,~«--, An eel e orqum r 0",”, - _ "' seventy-five‘ ounoee. In bddltlon to use latent. nouaazn mag»: 52%? 160 Pi O 1 $20 5 '‘‘’*'‘”''''*“'~ “--..‘:‘:’:""“ W dealpuo! spoon 'viork,wae!usve A pattern that In arm» ,-A_»;; 1133, L. 5 0008, 11 Show more;""""‘5-’=’-'-'5'-'~4"-7&1 "I"~'-'{§""“",,~«--, An eel e orqum r 0",”, - _ "' seventy-five‘ ounoee. In bddltlon to use latent. nouaazn mag»: 52%? 160 Pi O 1 $20 5 '‘‘’*'‘”''''*“'~ “--..‘:‘:’:""“ W dealpuo! spoon 'viork,wae!usve A pattern that In arm» ,-A_»;; 1133, L. 5 0008, 11 Show less
the cnlelnalel Bxiny (mm I13 and 914 01.11’! Sheet. 8!. Louis. The Sample & Birge IANUFAUPURING 00., 9'°W 9'2 Wvhlnxhn “”...'!.$¥- W .a-~';'_..«-:'::=..s.I,=¥~.‘v.“'*..=:..-.....n' In lullin. Pnhljn §g11_nn1Luan. ~ $300,009, 81: per oonln bonds, into:-out gamble seaivaunnaily M 0 sum vlngn Inséltu. tiony Bil. Louis, or the w.mLnp: wanna. Bosoomfleld and Salisbury Mann Show more the cnlelnalel Bxiny (mm I13 and 914 01.11’! Sheet. 8!. Louis. The Sample & Birge IANUFAUPURING 00., 9'°W 9'2 Wvhlnxhn “”...'!.$¥- W .a-~';'_..«-:'::=..s.I,=¥~.‘v.“'*..=:..-.....n' In lullin. Pnhljn §g11_nn1Luan. ~ $300,009, 81: per oonln bonds, into:-out gamble seaivaunnaily M 0 sum vlngn Inséltu. tiony Bil. Louis, or the w.mLnp: wanna. Bosoomfleld and Salisbury Mann Show less
Yazoo River, Mississippi................... 25,000 Joncs’Bayou, a...........,............ Cyprcssliavou, ’1‘exas...................... 15,000 River and its tribui.aries.................. 5,000 Tennessee River above Cbal.tanooga..... Shoalsoonuoocsoososooooctl 300.0% Mississippi River at Vicksburg. . . . . . . . . £0,000 sconecooooososo csooosccsccooosoosoooo 10,000. 125,000 Ship Canal, in Galv... Show more Yazoo River, Mississippi................... 25,000 Joncs’Bayou, a...........,............ Cyprcssliavou, ’1‘exas...................... 15,000 River and its tribui.aries.................. 5,000 Tennessee River above Cbal.tanooga..... Shoalsoonuoocsoososooooctl 300.0% Mississippi River at Vicksburg. . . . . . . . . £0,000 sconecooooososo csooosccsccooosoosoooo 10,000. 125,000 Ship Canal, in Galveston Show less
(£-;‘65.G00). r-r. anv ortion thereof over fifty thousand dollars ($50,0000 ). or ten thousand pounds (£10,000). will be received at the National Bank of Commerce ill New York. until 12 o‘clock In. of the 20th day of April. 1:578. and publicly opened by one of the umlerslgned. oil‘.-ccrs of the city, at said Dlgllze and hgur. 1 h ‘ Ie awar. S. w no will be sub . ‘ . - Of the Coinmittee on Ways Show more (£-;‘65.G00). r-r. anv ortion thereof over fifty thousand dollars ($50,0000 ). or ten thousand pounds (£10,000). will be received at the National Bank of Commerce ill New York. until 12 o‘clock In. of the 20th day of April. 1:578. and publicly opened by one of the umlerslgned. oil‘.-ccrs of the city, at said Dlgllze and hgur. 1 h ‘ Ie awar. S. w no will be sub . ‘ . - Of the Coinmittee on Ways Show less
, de- posited in the Treasury. 622,850 7,833,600 T01-81$ I0!‘ 1873............. . $13,593,850 $156,162,000 '1‘ol:als for 1877... 18,377,900165,755,900 D€C1’Ca5G..............'one. Nine Month. months. $9,419,700 $112,791,990 3,550 ,:oo 35 ,536,500 A Denial From California. 0 SAN l*"RANC‘lSCO, March 3l.—-Regarding Secre- tary Sherman's statement that the silver owners of the Pacific Show more, de- posited in the Treasury. 622,850 7,833,600 T01-81$ I0!‘ 1873............. . $13,593,850 $156,162,000 '1‘ol:als for 1877... 18,377,900165,755,900 D€C1’Ca5G..............'one. Nine Month. months. $9,419,700 $112,791,990 3,550 ,:oo 35 ,536,500 A Denial From California. 0 SAN l*"RANC‘lSCO, March 3l.—-Regarding Secre- tary Sherman's statement that the silver owners of the Pacific Show less
100 pca yard-wide white muslin, fine ....... ..8}5'c 19 yd 20 pcs 10-4 slieetiniz, only ............ ...... ..l4c B yd 15 pcs 10-4 sheeting, extra. quality. .... . .17},§c '-is yd A large lot of white quilts. large size, down to. 60 pcs printed piques. very handsome goods. .l0c all yd IN ouhss eooiis VVe can safely defy competition, both as regards quality and price, as our stock is very Show more100 pca yard-wide white muslin, fine ....... ..8}5'c 19 yd 20 pcs 10-4 slieetiniz, only ............ ...... ..l4c B yd 15 pcs 10-4 sheeting, extra. quality. .... . .17},§c '-is yd A large lot of white quilts. large size, down to. 60 pcs printed piques. very handsome goods. .l0c all yd IN ouhss eooiis VVe can safely defy competition, both as regards quality and price, as our stock is very Show less
ind “ 1 IN ~ I, ' u e ) l,‘ l I _ r -. 3; . ‘ o . l. o‘; I‘ - n’. :._._._A ‘A :VOL. 3---NO. 121. [Anus AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF COATS a.11dVESTS To Match, in Worsteds, Diagonals, Tricots and Cheviots; Price, $7 and upward, at The en uleu euu 119 to 123 FIFTH STREET, CORNER PINE. 1. 3901115 (E10112 ~ 39 B010 meat. ST. LOUIS, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1878. he S ere, in THE euuu uuu seer TRAE Show moreind “ 1 IN ~ I, ' u e ) l,‘ l I _ r -. 3; . ‘ o . l. o‘; I‘ - n’. :._._._A ‘A :VOL. 3---NO. 121. [Anus AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF COATS a.11dVESTS To Match, in Worsteds, Diagonals, Tricots and Cheviots; Price, $7 and upward, at The en uleu euu 119 to 123 FIFTH STREET, CORNER PINE. 1. 3901115 (E10112 ~ 39 B010 meat. ST. LOUIS, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1878. he S ere, in THE euuu uuu seer TRAE Show less
150 pounds. 1, , ‘,0 how just Wm“ we‘, wanted The‘ .. liENRY K()RTJOHN9 daiyof May. 1878. THE ARMY be *1(10D'~3d- 10-0fl"8l'1I1315 M15 Blame 1‘“1l04“0d lie is of light complexion and well formed. Ho ‘:2 8 ‘oiling ,0, an oppofmmty ,0’ open,’ 1440 Carolmelet avenue. lrlv tllOlS d doll s (of the o h and ti - . . _ ° , . that in the event of its adoolion he would so - 1 ~ d- i b ( . C m M Show more150 pounds. 1, , ‘,0 how just Wm“ we‘, wanted The‘ .. liENRY K()RTJOHN9 daiyof May. 1878. THE ARMY be *1(10D'~3d- 10-0fl"8l'1I1315 M15 Blame 1‘“1l04“0d lie is of light complexion and well formed. Ho ‘:2 8 ‘oiling ,0, an oppofmmty ,0’ open,’ 1440 Carolmelet avenue. lrlv tllOlS d doll s (of the o h and ti - . . _ ° , . that in the event of its adoolion he would so - 1 ~ d- i b ( . C m M Show less
. in house, according to location and quality: Wildwood. 4.000tons. Geneva Lake. Wis ...... .........2l.000 tons. Rlverdale, Ill .... 4.500 tons. W'atertown,Wis .... ..............‘2l,200 tons. Elgin, Ill ..... .....................13,500tons. Oshkosh._Wis.....................l1.000 tons. . West Elgln. 111...... ......... 7.200 tons. ‘ Illdooooon a - c o -cocoon-ooo23g00Ot0l]so Chicago, Ill....... Show more. in house, according to location and quality: Wildwood. 4.000tons. Geneva Lake. Wis ...... .........2l.000 tons. Rlverdale, Ill .... 4.500 tons. W'atertown,Wis .... ..............‘2l,200 tons. Elgin, Ill ..... .....................13,500tons. Oshkosh._Wis.....................l1.000 tons. . West Elgln. 111...... ......... 7.200 tons. ‘ Illdooooon a - c o -cocoon-ooo23g00Ot0l]so Chicago, Ill......... 5,000 Show less
for any 1nforma- nyg1;‘1n..{Ntvv&cn{gR.1s1. 11.1. F.R.LC. 1:” 1-1.5; T . , Thjre should bu - I to 51Clal1 -0 '18 _ ;I’Q(I;‘IIl2.!.ll 0S[i._.‘ , 0Il( 011.‘ s. 1 U N U A L E D e NEW LOW NO LADY’, . .f.‘.‘.".?’..§’p‘i‘.~‘.i‘.‘£.".‘§ ...1:.*.:’.*;‘:.:,:‘.‘.::s .2 . D. .. , ’ 4 Eastlake French Dresser Suits. upwax_-d from $ 0.00. P O FE ,5, S'E,.Yeee6,‘,}’,,,.,,_ Walnut Marble Show more for any 1nforma- nyg1;‘1n..{Ntvv&cn{gR.1s1. 11.1. F.R.LC. 1:” 1-1.5; T . , Thjre should bu - I to 51Clal1 -0 '18 _ ;I’Q(I;‘IIl2.!.ll 0S[i._.‘ , 0Il( 011.‘ s. 1 U N U A L E D e NEW LOW NO LADY’, . .f.‘.‘.".?’..§’p‘i‘.~‘.i‘.‘£.".‘§ ...1:.*.:’.*;‘:.:,:‘.‘.::s .2 . D. .. , ’ 4 Eastlake French Dresser Suits. upwax_-d from $ 0.00. P O FE ,5, S'E,.Yeee6,‘,}’,,,.,,_ Walnut Marble Show less
’ e eX.i3reSS y or us 37 '19 not had one niolneut‘s Sii‘.kllt..‘.SS, and‘ iieitller does ”' x -‘U “"1 ‘ '3 petss 1“-i11in9’ry9 Qtcu than is most reputable manufacturers, dampness °1‘ “““‘g““’“"° we 1e“"'”fl”"‘ " mi Em’ - - “ Rio 3; 91-2 \\"asllingtonav., St. Louis. 110'” 3h0Wll ill B111101l<‘.s M001'6S and every pair branded with MR3 31 Show more’ e eX.i3reSS y or us 37 '19 not had one niolneut‘s Sii‘.kllt..‘.SS, and‘ iieitller does ”' x -‘U “"1 ‘ '3 petss 1“-i11in9’ry9 Qtcu than is most reputable manufacturers, dampness °1‘ “““‘g““’“"° we 1e“"'”fl”"‘ " mi Em’ - - “ Rio 3; 91-2 \\"asllingtonav., St. Louis. 110'” 3h0Wll ill B111101l<‘.s M001'6S and every pair branded with MR3 31 Show less
"black Cashmere uits. Prices: $14, that were 18 50' $16 ‘ 50 that were $20; $15 . , , that were 22 50; 22 50, that were $27 50 Ladies’ biac Alpaca Suits. I'l'lC9S; 7 50, that were 9, $10, that were $1350‘ $12 50. t iat were 16 50; 15. that were $13 50: sis 50, cm were -22 50; $22 50, that were $27 50. s’ Colored Stuff Suits. Prices: $5, that were 7 50; $6, that were $850; $7, that were $9; $8 50 Show more"black Cashmere uits. Prices: $14, that were 18 50' $16 ‘ 50 that were $20; $15 . , , that were 22 50; 22 50, that were $27 50 Ladies’ biac Alpaca Suits. I'l'lC9S; 7 50, that were 9, $10, that were $1350‘ $12 50. t iat were 16 50; 15. that were $13 50: sis 50, cm were -22 50; $22 50, that were $27 50. s’ Colored Stuff Suits. Prices: $5, that were 7 50; $6, that were $850; $7, that were $9; $8 50 Show less