Ellen Walker, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Walker of Crestwood is the winner of the latest "What Is It" contest in the Globe-Democrat Sunday Magazine. Ellen, a sixth grader at Salem Lutheran school, correctly identified the object as a mousetrap and wrote the best essay describing the object. The mousetrap is on display at the Missouri Historical Society in the Jefferson Memorial. Ellen
The New Globe-Democrat frequency modulation radio station KWGD will be housed in the modern building on the northwest corner of Cole street and Twelfth boulevard. The architect's drawing shows the entrance to the structure from which the area's first exclusive frequency modulation broadcasting will originate.
1984. Its car body was built for 125 ton intermediate trucks but was produced with 100 ton intermediate trucks and 70 to end trucks. The GBRX 1984 had the capability to load 40' international containers in all 5 wells and 40' or 45' international containers on top. Tare weight was 217,300 pounds and the load limit per well was 90,000 pounds.