, but thoraintull has been more evenly distributed. ' The distribution by sections sndirlcondes is as lollows: N. 2.-.r.. c. r:. 9.1:. s.w. W. 2t.w.. ' L 0.W'0.9b L79 3.&) 3.3-S 3.13 ‘L85 L57 9. 0.330.380.830.330.480.000.351.14 5. mt om om o.n o.-as La: Lu 2.2» 335 ml Me III :36 On the 2d inst. heavy rains, accompanied by thunder stgrnls, occurred in the nurtltwcst, ex Show more, but thoraintull has been more evenly distributed. ' The distribution by sections sndirlcondes is as lollows: N. 2.-.r.. c. r:. 9.1:. s.w. W. 2t.w.. ' L 0.W'0.9b L79 3.&) 3.3-S 3.13 ‘L85 L57 9. 0.330.380.830.330.480.000.351.14 5. mt om om o.n o.-as La: Lu 2.2» 335 ml Me III :36 On the 2d inst. heavy rains, accompanied by thunder stgrnls, occurred in the nurtltwcst, ex Show less
lmndv. trnnmr.-.t1nnu nlnulllllltuz only In SlUI.l.w0. l’rlcl~I woeru not an stronlc.lmI.l Man {or (Ms were rnmcml )6 nor a.~cu:.‘1‘no unv- nrnmmn bpulttlt $151,000 rial at l2§l0|4t thn.nuuI1.5’ nndsl xxx Iur tluw uuul de- mand than in on umtlun. Money vma easier at «land! per cam Show more lmndv. trnnmr.-.t1nnu nlnulllllltuz only In SlUI.l.w0. l’rlcl~I woeru not an stronlc.lmI.l Man {or (Ms were rnmcml )6 nor a.~cu:.‘1‘no unv- nrnmmn bpulttlt $151,000 rial at l2§l0|4t thn.nuuI<i~ nnl price. Fmclgn _ux<.~lum‘tc4 w-em utlvancrd M cuntlwthc rmund Xur uturllnx hlllu, poalvtl itsiwvn bn|I\‘ft$¢ $1.5’ nndsl xxx Iur tluw uuul de- mand than in on umtlun. Money vma easier at «land! per cam Show less
‘cuon.»ir. is suited. hint caused to uxist. The , , -- ‘ » l .. _ v smottt tvitnzee laid by national banlu to the .- 1’rm'0moI Dsrlttruim V vuuec slum or illc\‘ourtenilinnJtt|yl,1889, - lwuinxowx. 13.0., ocmim ls, lac. V -was .u.xnn.m On oeplutl, 3:79.424; on circum- 'V " - ’ ' ' lion ' ' on uepoulls, £i.018.’.‘lO_..- The ' D V O I amount punllxy bnnkn other than _n:tLi0nul Show more‘cuon.»ir. is suited. hint caused to uxist. The , , -- ‘ » l .. _ v smottt tvitnzee laid by national banlu to the .- 1’rm'0moI Dsrlttruim V vuuec slum or illc\‘ourtenilinnJtt|yl,1889, - lwuinxowx. 13.0., ocmim ls, lac. V -was .u.xnn.m On oeplutl, 3:79.424; on circum- 'V " - ’ ' ' lion ' ' on uepoulls, £i.018.’.‘lO_..- The ' D V O I amount punllxy bnnkn other than _n:tLi0nul Show less
«'I\' «tn:-«l {lint he lnui 580.030 worth «-1 upouu» luivc risks. To any moan» in Mr ounuo d<-nu: no um in-‘n-n.utn in _II\)' that I110 rink» ha 19- unrnrimi“nmiroxlmutn $100,000. Timrv: um cw-ml nor nlvxilmua in tho nmn 4:: who IMYD my-xi-xrlv navel--d iiiruuulluuc .t l\'- mw-non oi sh-9 country in amsrchul Maple wlgu-to I||l§'I no munhnnnl. It in mlrru-nliy na- lul Show more«'I\' «tn:-«l {lint he lnui 580.030 worth «-1 upouu» luivc risks. To any moan» in Mr ounuo d<-nu: no um in-‘n-n.utn in _II\)' that I110 rink» ha 19- unrnrimi“nmiroxlmutn $100,000. Timrv: um cw-ml nor nlvxilmua in tho nmn 4:: who IMYD my-xi-xrlv navel--d iiiruuulluuc .t l\'- mw-non oi sh-9 country in amsrchul Maple wlgu-to I||l§'I no munhnnnl. It in mlrru-nliy na- lul Show less
\'ev;er.wus Le Fi1umoli’or 10c 1;: nrdynnd yet J'.lv:l_.?0.D11!J A.’ALLEN is ave secured 50 cases of thesevgoods. and will Anothm-.enpccinl drive _in Elnnmals---25 forgot pricefor these‘ goods to~du.y is :101-2-6 per yard." SEE 2-, at $110, worth $1 '76--150 dozen_--e special ilr Iy A _ . . Cox-sets-nxust beaeen---i000, for 250 all round; they are worth from 7 50- to $1 each.’ "One mm- 01 Show more\'ev;er.wus Le Fi1umoli’or 10c 1;: nrdynnd yet J'.lv:l_.?0.D11!J A.’ALLEN is ave secured 50 cases of thesevgoods. and will Anothm-.enpccinl drive _in Elnnmals---25 forgot pricefor these‘ goods to~du.y is :101-2-6 per yard." SEE 2-, at $110, worth $1 '76--150 dozen_--e special ilr Iy A _ . . Cox-sets-nxust beaeen---i000, for 250 all round; they are worth from 7 50- to $1 each.’ "One mm- 01 Show less
'!" O3,‘ ‘Vl'Al£l‘.~. = VxVue.vct£-liinin_xe;*me_¢lu ntocnl N 8!. one 9, cl: been trending 1:1-re Gal»?! 151- ' ‘H-9-I1!‘-.3 will-VI-=. ‘ ' wawm-up-1u,V.r,a._%.Vi.'1§4. o. 2;V2.V'o. l. n. 6.. .20,: 9.9.4’. 1 ' it on -20 61 _ 0.1, I, ¢,V $5 . V , .1. 1,2,.!.'l,V8. .-+.VI.I.4.9;1V-A20°- AV 2:.‘ ‘V ‘_.-_ .V V; '.?§rn'ua‘V’unrxa:y.V V'ntcxms Ono Show more'!" O3,‘ ‘Vl'Al£l‘.~. = VxVue.vct£-liinin_xe;*me_¢lu ntocnl N 8!. one 9, cl: been trending 1:1-re Gal»?! 151- ' ‘H-9-I1!‘-.3 will-VI-=. ‘ ' wawm-up-1u,V.r,a._%.Vi.'1§4. o. 2;V2.V'o. l. n. 6.. .20,: 9.9.4’. 1 ' it on -20 61 _ 0.1, I, ¢,V $5 . V , .1. 1,2,.!.'l,V8. .-+.VI.I.4.9;1V-A20°- AV 2:.‘ ‘V ‘_.-_ .V V; '.?§rn'ua‘V’unrxa:y.V V'ntcxms Ono Show less
- bm, as we in Dttlmut 23.000 in New Hex- ico. ilxtlllin Mon-Inc, l7.eXa‘l in Arlaonn and H.000 in -Wrtahlnxit-it Trrxitnry. It .0990”! tlmrs no warn o 5.000 Indiana!!! New Yorlt filuta and mt Ibuu 19,090 in the Blue oi gigging,-,~_'x’,ivu, (oi-tourist IllHlsIi0l,Ihl)W the mtntnnu-1 vomit: oi’ ‘ind an labor. Llllfliif tho hr by ludhtrlu exclusive‘ oi the live nlv lizonl ‘@4150! the [ml Show more- bm, as we in Dttlmut 23.000 in New Hex- ico. ilxtlllin Mon-Inc, l7.eXa‘l in Arlaonn and H.000 in -Wrtahlnxit-it Trrxitnry. It .0990”! tlmrs no warn o 5.000 Indiana!!! New Yorlt filuta and mt Ibuu 19,090 in the Blue oi gigging,-,~_'x’,ivu, (oi-tourist IllHlsIi0l,Ihl)W the mtntnnu-1 vomit: oi’ ‘ind an labor. Llllfliif tho hr by ludhtrlu exclusive‘ oi the live nlv lizonl ‘@4150! the [ml Show less
and -anti. .10 y mtoiin. » lrhu - zip:-it-roednal-1,: ninth "manor. You I" . 1.. at .Low.\r. 91.13. 2. l.nom.~:sosi. u._n. '.!7KP5133ll§'IiI1iI_JtI;na.ai:‘n win on non." S'§Jjiff,'."‘~S’fieélfié A 7 sum. Gm. iiolii rronr'£u'ton.~ Sold as; 11ICI*I.&.1i;l)S()N . 82; ' 0'0. sci nmni ud neon: tum-xi . -, onloll. " ’- . . V " ‘V ~61? W Show more and -anti. .10 y mtoiin. » lrhu - zip:-it-roednal-1,: ninth "manor. You I" . 1.. at .Low.\r. 91.13. 2. l.nom.~:sosi. u._n. '.!7KP5133ll§'IiI1iI_JtI;na.ai:‘n win on non." S'§Jjiff,'."‘~S’fieélfié A 7 sum. Gm. iiolii rronr'£u'ton.~ Sold as; 11ICI*I.&.1i;l)S()N . 82; ' 0'0. sci nmni ud neon: tum-xi . -, onloll. " ’- . . V " ‘V ~61? W Show less
. bv I00. clumon cuwh.-I the din- Iricl. by 2,100, n ltcpublluul («in ol W0. * I (17: the luodnlod Run. 1 Cnlc.m43.2lovomb'er 1.—-llamnu (mm llao ha‘ I 1y all l1nuco¢)r.' 37.71:. lzvp. unv- ~umu!.);lilI1Sluul had 54,313 (I.£T£.- Bmxmblll-n.x mIjm'iI_y: lO.7«u.. This is n Bopubllcsn all: In lbogonnsy or must 11.000 3» compared u (11 lb» uh.-cllou 01' ' Garfield lmdr.‘ 534 Show more. bv I00. clumon cuwh.-I the din- Iricl. by 2,100, n ltcpublluul («in ol W0. * I (17: the luodnlod Run. 1 Cnlc.m43.2lovomb'er 1.—-llamnu (mm llao ha‘ I 1y all l1nuco¢)r.' 37.71:. lzvp. unv- ~umu!.);lilI1Sluul had 54,313 (I.£T£.- Bmxmblll-n.x mIjm'iI_y: lO.7«u.. This is n Bopubllcsn all: In lbogonnsy or must 11.000 3» compared u (11 lb» uh.-cllou 01' ' Garfield lmdr.‘ 534 Show less
swam quru. ACTION. | n 20 Numb: rs. A complete Suuplo Cull. tor trlnl. by giloarcccipz M30 or an bunplu Card of )0 of the Leading Blylantol‘ 1:-lad.on uulgIol10 co-nu. lvlsoll, BLAKEMAN. TAYLOR & Co. 138 and 140 Grand In-cot. New York. 1*«*n:z.E WORKS: and campaign Goods- .l\c‘tarorSchalorI'1n.nh Band for tuna- uncodcau oeu 3 F’u118tock,1"lN-W‘ol’bI g Torch. . ‘mos: & oo.,; GARTSIDE Show more swam quru. ACTION. | n 20 Numb: rs. A complete Suuplo Cull. tor trlnl. by giloarcccipz M30 or an bunplu Card of )0 of the Leading Blylantol‘ 1:-lad.on uulgIol10 co-nu. lvlsoll, BLAKEMAN. TAYLOR & Co. 138 and 140 Grand In-cot. New York. 1*«*n:z.E WORKS: and campaign Goods- .l\c‘tarorSchalorI'1n.nh Band for tuna- uncodcau oeu 3 F’u118tock,1"lN-W‘ol’bI g Torch. . ‘mos: & oo.,; GARTSIDE Show less
. Mu-yl. J<-non and Mrs. H. 3inlliA_ml. 1'r1'lu:i:.ul.l. p-mmi by I iuzea cbrpa or l'roix-xroro. {ho 2m anmxui lcrm will colmncucc Eflllcmbcr Kt-Lb. Lir- uzlsh so oi on s mulunou. I’cn11sylva11ia MILITARY ACADEMY, "'\l-iltrlillil. l’A.. opens srnmmlwr 1:5» 0"“ 1019*- lmmylnz, Chm-nmry. K.‘-in-loo sud Eufiufim 1"?" 1:9 conlrrrqd. For cu-culnn. willy to Juoc Show more. Mu-yl. J<-non and Mrs. H. 3inlliA_ml. 1'r1'lu:i:.ul.l. p-mmi by I iuzea cbrpa or l'roix-xroro. {ho 2m anmxui lcrm will colmncucc Eflllcmbcr Kt-Lb. Lir- uzlsh so oi on s mulunou. I’cn11sylva11ia MILITARY ACADEMY, "'\l-iltrlillil. l’A.. opens srnmmlwr 1:5» 0"“ 1019*- lmmylnz, Chm-nmry. K.‘-in-loo sud Eufiufim 1"?" 1:9 conlrrrqd. For cu-culnn. willy to Juoc Show less
Embroideries at 5 Cents a. yard; worth 8 1—3c. ' ‘. \ AND 500 pieces Embroiderlcs at 01-2 Cents a yard; worth 10:3. 500 pieces Embroiderles at 8 1-3 Cents 3 yard; worth 121-20. d. K . 500 pieces Embroidcrics at 10 Cents n. yo.rd;wo1-th '171-243. 5 | N E D H N 500 pieces Embroldcrlcs at '121-2 Cents 9. yard; worth 200. ' I 500 pieces Embroidcries at 15 Cents :1 yard; worth 250; 500 Show more Embroideries at 5 Cents a. yard; worth 8 1—3c. ' ‘. \ AND 500 pieces Embroiderlcs at 01-2 Cents a yard; worth 10:3. 500 pieces Embroiderles at 8 1-3 Cents 3 yard; worth 121-20. d. K . 500 pieces Embroidcrics at 10 Cents n. yo.rd;wo1-th '171-243. 5 | N E D H N 500 pieces Embroldcrlcs at '121-2 Cents 9. yard; worth 200. ' I 500 pieces Embroidcries at 15 Cents :1 yard; worth 250; 500 Show less
_'lll:ll 27', 1880, at 10 O'clock ll. m. The nle oi llootun will he pluvrl-ncd hy the ammo rules As ll(£l'1l\‘)f0l’V. 8:0 cash is to be laid on lxlddltxg on each Bwllt. tuld the but-.ou;o on or micro Wainwr- eisruvculng. htslztmllocr 11. llrlzenltnlutlu will be sen-'r:d nu ma ’lrhl=ml. cs 0. h.Al.ll. hlcrulxry. r. ll. LLRIJAM. Allcuoncér. Wii12v'1'1c.1>, 120.1: CASH, A LOT Show more_'lll:ll 27', 1880, at 10 O'clock ll. m. The nle oi llootun will he pluvrl-ncd hy the ammo rules As ll(£l'1l\‘)f0l’V. 8:0 cash is to be laid on lxlddltxg on each Bwllt. tuld the but-.ou;o on or micro Wainwr- eisruvculng. htslztmllocr 11. llrlzenltnlutlu will be sen-'r:d nu ma ’lrhl=ml. cs 0. h.Al.ll. hlcrulxry. r. ll. LLRIJAM. Allcuoncér. Wii12v'1'1c.1>, 120.1: CASH, A LOT Show less
in Prices! M Plninly to. be seen,’ Our, PRESENT PRICES are? at Least ONE-FOURTH BE- LOW«'ACTUAL‘COST. we desire to Close .0,utforthwith’. EVERY SUlT_ in the House’. _.TEE'CONTRAST! . While other Rain; Powder: no 1:131!) ADUL- - i 'l'!2§lL'l'XD with 11.!!! and other hnrtfhl dun, |f. . rzrnncumv rv red at llniuun aim Cry: ‘clung ltock ‘fuller’. om Bye Wm: uxd that union. &apos Show more in Prices! M Plninly to. be seen,’ Our, PRESENT PRICES are? at Least ONE-FOURTH BE- LOW«'ACTUAL‘COST. we desire to Close .0,utforthwith’. EVERY SUlT_ in the House’. _.TEE'CONTRAST! . While other Rain; Powder: no 1:131!) ADUL- - i 'l'!2§lL'l'XD with 11.!!! and other hnrtfhl dun, |f. . rzrnncumv rv red at llniuun aim Cry: ‘clung ltock ‘fuller’. om Bye Wm: uxd that union. &apos Show less