Vol. XXII, No. 23. Waterway Policy is Quickening: A Greater Interest Than Ever Before is Being Shown by the Senators and Representatives and by the People; Rainey Favors Bond Issue of Good Proportions to Carry on the Work of Improving the Inland Waters and Canals. Bridge Likely To Be At Paducah: President of the Chicago, Pittsburg and New York R. R. Wants it Built Between Brookport and Paducah. Hoosier Boy Wins Again: Hoosier Boy Now Champion of the Lakes-Won Fre-for all at Toldeo, O. Olden Days at Vicksburg.
Showing Governor Forrest Smith on speaker's stand during ceremonies prior to blasting of plug that opened diversion channel. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
This document contains the eighteenth annual report for the St. Louis Mercantile Library Association and the thirteenth annual report of the Board of Directors of the Mercantile Library Hall Company.