"Children at the ceramics center of Missouri Baptist Children's Home, Bridgeton, admire ceramics made by older classmates. The home is one of the children's agencies that benefited from last year's Old Newsboys Day fund-raiser. From left are Mario, 12; Kim, 7; teacher Jeff Lemp; Susan, 10; Mark, 9; and Jimmy, 8."
"June Kreft, left, serves some coffee from Miss Hulling's Cafeteria to Nancy Drew, a KMOX Radio sportscaster who was one of the celebrities at 8th and Olive streets Tuesday." They're both wearing Seven-Up aprons.
"Twin City Area Chamber of Commerce members Al Hulme, president and Orville Burkart stop traffic in name of the Old Newsboys at Bailey Road and Highway 61-67 Festus, Missouri."
"Old Newsboys hawk special editions of The Globe-Democrat in St. Charles Tuesday. Above: Glenn Williams pushes papers at First Capital Drive and Kingshighway." He's wearing a Seven-Up apron and is holding out newspapers to passing cars.
This photo shows eight contestants from the Globe-Democrat Spelling Bee in 1970. Each is wearing a name tag around their neck that indicates their name, age, school, and hometown. The ones possible to read are from both Missouri and Illinois. They're standing in front of a sign that reads, "Globe-Democrat KTVI Channel 2/Spelling Bee".
This photo shows eight contestants from the Globe-Democrat Spelling Bee in 1970. Each is wearing a name tag around their neck that indicates their name, age, school, and hometown. The ones possible to read are from both Missouri and Illinois. They're standing in front of a sign that reads, "Globe-Democrat KTVI Channel 2/Spelling Bee".
"The afternoon winners in bottom photo, are, front row, from left, Dall Davis, David Smith, Brian Wallace and Mark Gaydos. Back row, from left, are Robert McCarthy, Linda Duchnowski, James White and Joseph Schweiss." The winners are in front of Globe-Democrat-KTVI sign. Each is wearing a name tag that includes their name, age, school, and hometown.
"Winners in the morning session of the Globe-Democrat-KTVI Spelling Bee, in top photo, are, front row, from left, Ralph Wappel, Terry McClure, Patricia Lee Rogers and Terry Fennell. Back row, from left, are Brenda Peat, Peggy Luth, Lea Ruth, and Carol Brusca." The winners are in front of Globe-Democrat-KTVI sign. Each is wearing a name tag that includes their name, age, school, and hometown.
"Winners of the morning session of the April 19 spelling bee quarter-finals. From left, in front are Thomas Gebhardt, Robin Sova, Shirley Salvato and Donald Keiser. In back are Fred Bernard, pronouncer, Chris Perniciaro, Sue Reidy, Robert Leggitt and Bill McLain. Quarter-final winners in St. Louis and winners from Missouri and Illinois districts will compete this Saturday." The winners are in
"Eight finalists in the Globe-Democrat-KTVI Spelling Bee are from left, Debra Moore, Jean Brinkmann, Kim Leighton, Robert Cutchens, Kevin Johnson, Kathleen Powers, Mark Henry, and Cathy Binz. Fred Bernard of KTVI was the pronouncer and Weldon Cox, right, Lindbergh High School teacher, was the judge." Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown. They're standing in front of a large, painted beehive complete with a large bee and letters of the alphabet covering it.
"More of the 16 winners are from left, first row: Garry Range, Leslie McColgin, David Minea; second row, David Miller, Daniel Tierney, Cathy Binz, Joseph Stumpf and Robert Cutchens." Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown. They're standing in front of a large, painted beehive complete with a large bee and letters of the
"Afternoon session spelling bee winners in front row, from left, are: Patrick Fleming, Bob Herleth, Terry Christman and Karen Weber. In back row: Jean Brinkmann, Carol Westhoff, Dan Hopmann and Kim Leighton. Winners of both sessions will take part in semi-finals April 16." Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown. The
"Winners of morning session of the Globe-Democrat's Spelling Bee. From left, first row, Louise Shisslak, Debbie Zaremba, Jeff Lux and John Krussel, Second row, Weldon Cox, judge, Connie Britt, Pamela Butalla, Debbie Gladieux, Mary Davidson and the pronouncer, Fred Bernard of KTVI." Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown.
"Winners of the afternoon session of the quarter-finals of the Globe-Democrat-KTVI Spelling Bee which was held April 19. From left, in front are Lynn Bina, Mariann Yevi, Michael Najjar and Stephen Harris. In back are Michael Tyler, James Burke, Rosemarie Guenther, Thomas Gianino and Al Wilson, judge." The winners are in front of Globe-Democrat-KTVI sign. Each is wearing a name tag that includes
"Winners of morning session of the Globe-Democrat and KTVI Spelling Bee Saturday. From left, front, Jesse Driscoll, Jane Zilch, Ann Buckley and Teresa Garcia-Otera. Back, Barbara Slocum, Weldon Cox (judge), Alan Schmidt, Greg Geno, Maureen Moder and Fred Bernard (pronouncer)." Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown.
"Eight finalists in the Globe-Democrat and KTVI Spelling Bee. From left, front row, Larry Born, Mary Davidson, Francis Morgan and Cathy White. Back, Fred Bernard, pronouncer, Greg Gino, Tracy Halstead, Larry Shaw, Weldon Cox, judge, and Susan Benton." Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown.
"Afternoon session winners at the Spelling Bee. From left, first row, William Carmeal, Larry Born, Anne Kelly and Peggy Franey. Second row, Mr. Cox, Kathryn Vincenc, Alys Allwardt, Linda Proffer, Susan Battocletti and Mr. Bernard. In front are some of prizes the final winner will receive." In front of the contestants are different books and a new television. Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown.
"Eight finalists in the Globe-Democrat and KTVI Spelling Bee. From left, front row, Larry Born, Mary Davidson, Francis Morgan and Cathy White. Back, Fred Bernard, pronouncer, Greg Gino, Tracy Halstead, Larry Shaw, Weldon Cox, judge, and Susan Benton." Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown.
"Winners in the morning session of the Globe-Democrat-KTVI-TV Spelling Bee quarter-finals held Saturday at Famous-Barr downtown store auditorium in first row, from left, are: Margie Dalechek, Judy Wittenauer, Joan Zakrzewski and Amy Clark. In back row: Weldon Cox, Sandra Gerber, Kathleen Powers, Randy Henne, Gary Barbeau and Don Beecher." Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown. They're standing in front of a large, painted beehive complete with a large bee and letters of the alphabet covering it.