Ilousi-;‘CF R.EPRESEN'i‘A.'l‘IVl2S, Coiiiivii'rriil«i-ON i‘“{,‘,,‘,.’f‘,‘,§, of the chomp,’ Eenigins rand t1‘aI'.l’Sl?l”"l2“‘3V.‘““3d 1." M*‘S53°h,”S"""5» and W‘? 3f,,.,t,1,1,:’ a,;i31S’,n1”‘é,rfat‘°,‘:,1,,(2,f,, 10‘,,°,?1de,‘.f,E,.tyG”,,“.,t,§ 1?1-1-1301009“‘3_§W10,§h13 =1ft_eI‘n001‘- aHh0B3lJt1St prospect it few days ago of the termin- * . EXPENDITURES Show more Ilousi-;‘CF R.EPRESEN'i‘A.'l‘IVl2S, Coiiiivii'rriil«i-ON i‘“{,‘,,‘,.’f‘,‘,§, of the chomp,’ Eenigins rand t1‘aI'.l’Sl?l”"l2“‘3V.‘““3d 1." M*‘S53°h,”S"""5» and W‘? 3f,,.,t,1,1,:’ a,;i31S’,n1”‘é,rfat‘°,‘:,1,,(2,f,, 10‘,,°,?1de,‘.f,E,.tyG”,,“.,t,§ 1?1-1-1301009“‘3_§W10,§h13 =1ft_eI‘n001‘- aHh0B3lJt1St prospect it few days ago of the termin- * . EXPENDITURES Show less
; __ -.. v:; 2-‘ ‘ - ‘ V‘ .4, *‘ _ ’ ' its “=- _'. 5'." "' ESTABLISIIEI) 1845. J0l1l1E. Haiilli ii Bl‘0., GENERAL coiiiii1ss1o§ MERCHANTS. No. 944 Broadway. _ Warehouse. 941. 943 and 945 Collins Street. ST. LOUIS, D10. Special attention given to the sale of Poultr)*.Game. Hider Furs. Etc. ““i“*Ciii&lliLi', DYE SUCCESSORS TO WORKS1 c o 0 K B R Q s - , OS. 105 and 107 Show more; __ -.. v:; 2-‘ ‘ - ‘ V‘ .4, *‘ _ ’ ' its “=- _'. 5'." "' ESTABLISIIEI) 1845. J0l1l1E. Haiilli ii Bl‘0., GENERAL coiiiii1ss1o§ MERCHANTS. No. 944 Broadway. _ Warehouse. 941. 943 and 945 Collins Street. ST. LOUIS, D10. Special attention given to the sale of Poultr)*.Game. Hider Furs. Etc. ““i“*Ciii&lliLi', DYE SUCCESSORS TO WORKS1 c o 0 K B R Q s - , OS. 105 and 107 Show less
:i..ii:,iar_y 3. 1878.- ” ‘;;1“;C 1% l101‘C‘--Ii .l?.'lV+el]_ that the Board of Direc-tors of . l .. Com! any have ilizs day ordered an :isscssiiieiit U D011 all prcimuin notes held by the Coiiipaiiv, lllll’Ill)€.l'lll,.'I i’i' 20,775 to 22,458, jn(;]u5iye; am} 1-,h‘,,t said aS$l‘CSSlllCl’Il shall be due and payable a,'1,tm_- migmi of the (,onii)aii_y on or before Wednesday the 0th Show more:i..ii:,iar_y 3. 1878.- ” ‘;;1“;C 1% l101‘C‘--Ii .l?.'lV+el]_ that the Board of Direc-tors of . l .. Com! any have ilizs day ordered an :isscssiiieiit U D011 all prcimuin notes held by the Coiiipaiiv, lllll’Ill)€.l'lll,.'I i’i' 20,775 to 22,458, jn(;]u5iye; am} 1-,h‘,,t said aS$l‘CSSlllCl’Il shall be due and payable a,'1,tm_- migmi of the (,onii)aii_y on or before Wednesday the 0th Show less
, de- posited in the Treasury. 622,850 7,833,600 T01-81$ I0!‘ 1873............. . $13,593,850 $156,162,000 '1‘ol:als for 1877... 18,377,900165,755,900 D€C1’Ca5G..............'one. Nine Month. months. $9,419,700 $112,791,990 3,550 ,:oo 35 ,536,500 A Denial From California. 0 SAN l*"RANC‘lSCO, March 3l.—-Regarding Secre- tary Sherman's statement that the silver owners of the Pacific Show more, de- posited in the Treasury. 622,850 7,833,600 T01-81$ I0!‘ 1873............. . $13,593,850 $156,162,000 '1‘ol:als for 1877... 18,377,900165,755,900 D€C1’Ca5G..............'one. Nine Month. months. $9,419,700 $112,791,990 3,550 ,:oo 35 ,536,500 A Denial From California. 0 SAN l*"RANC‘lSCO, March 3l.—-Regarding Secre- tary Sherman's statement that the silver owners of the Pacific Show less
:u.-duced from we At 8 1-3 C-(mt-4. 60 pm iiiaci: Exigiisii '1‘wiii:1. nil-wool iiiiiii::............ ........i{uduced from we At 10 Coiiix. iui pus iiincx Knssaia Cordx. nil-wool niilm:..;. ................Ii¢L1ucuafrom 20¢ At 121-‘.3 Cont.-i, 150 pcs Iiiuui»: Aiuoriiuu Sixiiinir. Reduced from ‘:01: At 121-2 Cents. 15 pcs islackgfazniu Soiicl, - 1 iiuduccd from 25:: At 25 Cents. '50 has :‘.5~... Show more:u.-duced from we At 8 1-3 C-(mt-4. 60 pm iiiaci: Exigiisii '1‘wiii:1. nil-wool iiiiiii::............ ........i{uduced from we At 10 Coiiix. iui pus iiincx Knssaia Cordx. nil-wool niilm:..;. ................Ii¢L1ucuafrom 20¢ At 121-‘.3 Cont.-i, 150 pcs Iiiuui»: Aiuoriiuu Sixiiinir. Reduced from ‘:01: At 121-2 Cents. 15 pcs islackgfazniu Soiicl, - 1 iiuduccd from 25:: At 25 Cents. '50 has :‘.5~inch13 Show less
."...."°‘€.‘ there ’ in {he wince 089' o‘n*’Gan‘ ,7 3°“ 3-4. . 1>°,.d!!.l>°*°‘i 01.7-.13 it fir". «loll. 13. Ila?-' l5i:1.1'*=.°*=P"°'* lforriso V is said to have tie-.~ rs’.ue_:- _nthwestornV hail =vis',Lexvlsburgn, -W oodru axnsnaucelrert N _ calf! ‘, d'V“AVttoij}'. .l V times 9. yrs or as much cftenei-V. as trains __ Assistant Postmaster General‘ mu‘ x_:$rved'. lai Show more."...."°‘€.‘ there ’ in {he wince 089' o‘n*’Gan‘ ,7 3°“ 3-4. . 1>°,.d!!.l>°*°‘i 01.7-.13 it fir". «loll. 13. Ila?-' l5i:1.1'*=.°*=P"°'* lforriso V is said to have tie-.~ rs’.ue_:- _nthwestornV hail =vis',Lexvlsburgn, -W oodru axnsnaucelrert N _ calf! ‘, d'V“AVttoij}'. .l V times 9. yrs or as much cftenei-V. as trains __ Assistant Postmaster General‘ mu‘ x_:$rved'. lai Show less
s :4 SI,’ Louis.-jvlnmlnsnsr Momma. Jinunmr 13. 1886--TW nivn mom i ' x $5-"3: . - vol. 11-1x0. 235 inl.liiis II I i ihnyitre found as a rule gene 0 a non htoln- g;'f,:c'f1?t.vPg!,l,l:¢ ";.§’.".."i.}mlhose who havh seen ihein l~ec'4£ml:n:nd, or weak “ties. the use oi lilo *‘ lull Aiilil , , SOIIT.‘-‘ID BY V J. , I JOELSWOPil&Bii0 311 North Fourth Street Show mores :4 SI,’ Louis.-jvlnmlnsnsr Momma. Jinunmr 13. 1886--TW nivn mom i ' x $5-"3: . - vol. 11-1x0. 235 inl.liiis II I i ihnyitre found as a rule gene 0 a non htoln- g;'f,:c'f1?t.vPg!,l,l:¢ ";.§’.".."i.}mlhose who havh seen ihein l~ec'4£ml:n:nd, or weak “ties. the use oi lilo *‘ lull Aiilil , , SOIIT.‘-‘ID BY V J. , I JOELSWOPil&Bii0 311 North Fourth Street Show less
, are as low as cost of manufeotunng. - » 1 We ofier 2 page met: or 7e{151a.pedh.8n<_1 Strapped Horse Blankets-—best ‘ szoodsm emare. ceac _‘ - .‘ Also 10 bales 1131314333-tedfflorea. Covers. rangmz $11119 to $7.50 each-8-11 e muc ow. ormer pnces. . _ We hzvxoyput in this sale 5 bales of our regular $1.00‘Comf6rt8. £1111 J and weight, at 760 each. . _ _ ~ ’ . 25 baleeolt gottolxizi Comfcfzrttafw... Show more, are as low as cost of manufeotunng. - » 1 We ofier 2 page met: or 7e{151a.pedh.8n<_1 Strapped Horse Blankets-—best ‘ szoodsm emare. ceac _‘ - .‘ Also 10 bales 1131314333-tedfflorea. Covers. rangmz $11119 to $7.50 each-8-11 e muc ow. ormer pnces. . _ We hzvxoyput in this sale 5 bales of our regular $1.00‘Comf6rt8. £1111 J and weight, at 760 each. . _ _ ~ ’ . 25 baleeolt gottolxizi Comfcfzrttafwlll be1g Show less
‘_,;‘:,*:_,{,,*:; will open am day 250 ._.. .. I 1301 r wu "mam Aguaiugflai Lou. '"' piemcm Wool Fringe. In All the latent shade-.A. M. 10c, 15c and 200. complluing any but Annoy-uncut And lollrclt prices in the city. T. F.MIlLONEY&.lI0. (‘All Apocinl Attention to I The hlociety oi the "Nomad Baptist ' Om:-ch Ii St. Louis" will i met A1 Public Auction Thmlay, the 9II1)Il'ayot Hay Show more‘_,;‘:,*:_,{,,*:; will open am day 250 ._.. .. I 1301 r wu "mam Aguaiugflai Lou. '"' piemcm Wool Fringe. In All the latent shade-.A. M. 10c, 15c and 200. complluing any but Annoy-uncut And lollrclt prices in the city. T. F.MIlLONEY&.lI0. (‘All Apocinl Attention to I The hlociety oi the "Nomad Baptist ' Om:-ch Ii St. Louis" will i met A1 Public Auction Thmlay, the 9II1)Il'ayot Hay Show less
O :3Ei’TElSét}§ER’1;".13.30+ , 0 ~ ' rumor Exvm J xnmrngrsn szrocr: 4.. Sole Western Milli for GllLT’S. BREECH-LOADING SHUT-GUNS. AT Low PRICES. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BREECH AND MUZZLE-LOADERS. ' ll. B.---Dealers Supplied. on Application, with 0iIr‘Sp’orllug‘Cnlnloguc. ' r. em. BREW F; GLASS Ell,“ 1>'E.iLEn§ 125 ~ WlNDDWandPLlTE cuss 1-2.1!;D.‘L\-IOVVISD - TO THEIR NEW Show moreO :3Ei’TElSét}§ER’1;".13.30+ , 0 ~ ' rumor Exvm J xnmrngrsn szrocr: 4.. Sole Western Milli for GllLT’S. BREECH-LOADING SHUT-GUNS. AT Low PRICES. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BREECH AND MUZZLE-LOADERS. ' ll. B.---Dealers Supplied. on Application, with 0iIr‘Sp’orllug‘Cnlnloguc. ' r. em. BREW F; GLASS Ell,“ 1>'E.iLEn§ 125 ~ WlNDDWandPLlTE cuss 1-2.1!;D.‘L\-IOVVISD - TO THEIR NEW Show less