View of progress made to date. Total advance since start of dredging: 3,000 ft. Total time: 3 weeks this date. Average 1,000' per week. Total production to date for job: 658,489 cu. yds. Total dredged length of canal by both dredges: approx. 6,000'. Overall length of canal project: 9,000'. Dredge now at station 27/100. Started at station 57/100. Kansas City District, Channel Diversion Project.
Held at Goggin's Creek Meeting House, in Tipton County, Western District of Tennessee, on the Saturday preceding the second Lord's Day in October, 1833.
Vol. XXII, No. 21. The Result of the Humphrey's Bill: If Taken Advantage of by Foreign Owners Would Bring No Benefit in Return. Dates for [Deep Waterway] Convention Fixed. President Taft's Itinerary. Nearly Thrity Miles An Hour.