Vol. XXII, No. 21. The Result of the Humphrey's Bill: If Taken Advantage of by Foreign Owners Would Bring No Benefit in Return. Dates for [Deep Waterway] Convention Fixed. President Taft's Itinerary. Nearly Thrity Miles An Hour.
1 document, May 30, 1819, D. S., transcribing the agreements made to widen a canal and create a reservoir by the Rivanna Company. Original minutes of the Rivanna company were taken by N. H. Lewis and transcribed by Jefferson to this document.
FALSTAFF BREWING Corp has closed its office at 5050 Oakland Ave., following the financial takeover of the corporation last April by Californian Paul Kalmanovitz. Shortly after Kalmanovitz gained control of the St. Louis-based brewing corporation, the headquarters was transferred to California, a number of executives were either transferred or let go, and a few personnel were moved to the St. Louis brewery on Shenandoah Avenue. On Tuesday, the building itself was closed and Falstaff is seeking a lesee for the furnished property.