Map of the lands granted to the State of Missouri by Act of Congress June 10, 1852, and by Act of the Missouri Legislature December 25, 1852 to the Pacific Railroad Company to aid in the construction of a railroad from St. Louis to the Western Boundary of the State, South of the Osage river said road known as the Soutwestern Branch of the Pacific Railroad. Map accompanying the 1856 Sixth Annual
Large two-page spread of the Steamer Sultana that originally appeared in Ballou's Pictorial Drawing Room Companion, circa 1856. The image has the caption, "Steamer Wooding Up on the Mississippi River."
This document contains the 1856 annual report for the St. Louis Mercantile Library Association and the 1856 fifth annual report of the Board of Directors of the Mercantile Library Hall Company.
Also the twelfth annual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Illinois held in Canton, October 16th to 20th, 1856, and of the Illinois Baptist Education Society, at Alton June 22d, and Canton, October 17 and 18.
In the United States of America, Presented May 1856, and the Church Extension Summary, or a Brief View of the Nature and Importance of the Church Extension Enterprise
Unquestionably Proving Its Superiority to Any Article Heretofore Used, for Enclosing Railroads, Canals, Fields, Cattle Pastures, Gardens, Cemeteries, Heneries, and for Ornamental Garden Work, Grape and Rose Trellises, etc. Dedicated to Agriculturalists
Speech from Senator Geyer discussing the movement to form the Kansas territory into a state and the issues of slavery management related to the process.