Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1867 by S. Augustus Mitchell, Jr. in the Clerks Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Map of Missouri and Arkansas, showing roads, railroads, counties, lakes, rivers, cities and towns., From: Black's general atlas of the world : a series of fifty-six maps containing the latest discoveries and new boundaries accompanied by introductory description and index / Adam and Charles Black.
WHAT TO SEE AND HOW TO SEE IT, IN AND AROUND THE CITY, COMPRISING NOTICES OF EVERY OBJECT OF INTEREST TO STRANGERS INCLUDING public buildings, churches, hotels, public halls, places of amusement and recreation, parks, gardens, libraries, reading rooms, literary institutions, etc., etc., WITH CITY MAP AND ILLUSTRATIONS.
The directory contains a complete business listing of all the towns along the Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific Railway between St. Louis, Missouri and Junction City, Kansas. This listing is complemented by a brief description or history of the most prominent towns along the lines, along with the names of the principle firms doing business, their advertisements, and other information including a fold-out map of Missouri and Kansas, a gazetteer and a shipper's guide.
Framed musical score for Franz Liszt's Hungarian March, composed for the coronation of Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, as King of Hungary in 1867.
One letter, autographed, signed, and dated 26 January, 1867, from John Botts; American congressman, lawyer, and author. Leader in the Whig party, called to Washington by Henry Clay to aid in the Constitutional Compromise of 1850.