This document contains the thirty-fourth annual report of the St. Louis Mercantile Library Association for the year 1879. It was published following the annual meeting in January of 1880.
Giving particulars of bunko, bucket shops, mysterious disappearances, the tin can brigade, taking in the town, ways that are dark, life among the lowly, dandies and damsels, night in the streets, crimes of a great city, grave robbers, &c.
\"The pilot house was a sumptuous glass temple; room enough to have a dance in; showy red and gold window curtains; an imposing sofa; leather cushions and a back to the high bench where visiting pilots sit, to spin yarns and 'look at the river'; bright, fanciful 'cuspidores'; new oil cloth on the floor; a hospitable big stove for winter; a wheel as high as one's head, costly with inlaid work; a wire-tiller rope; bright brass knobs for the bells; and a tidy, white-aproned, black'texas tender', to bring up tarts and ices and coffee during mid-watch, day and night. The pilot house ssemed perched on a mountain; and her decks stretched far away, fore and aft below one.\" From Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain. Note: The bearded gentleman was Captain John Crane, the master of the Belle Memphis for many years.
This directory contains an introduction entitled St. Louis, featuring statistics related to growth, public improvements, and finances, followed by an index to advertisers, a street directory, a St. Louis City residential and business directory, and a city and county record listing civic and social institutions for the year 1880.
Medal reading "W.S. Hancock" and "W.H. English" surrounding an image of a rooster, representing the former symbol of the Democratic Party. On the opposite side of the medal are side-by-side profiles of presidential candidate Winfield S. Hancock and vice presidential candidate William H. English.
Dark green hardcover book titled "Conspectus of History of Political Parties and the Federal Government" in gold text surrounded by engraved floral flourishes.
Bronze colored clothing button reading "Garfield and Arthur," refering to presidential candidate James A. Garfield and vice presidential candidate Chester A. Arthur.
Fourth an Locust, looking west on Locust. The Mermod, Jaccard & Co. sign on the righthand building at 401-403 North Fourth dates this picture after 1874. The Union Sign Works, whose own sign can be detected midway down the south side of Locust, was listed at that address in the City Directory of 1878. The north side of Locust has changed very little over the years, some of its building being
Fifth (now Broadway) and Hickory, looking south. The wall (right) surrounds the Convent and Academy of the Sacred Heart, oldest convent grounds in St. Louis. John Mullanphy gave 26 acres, including this block bounded by Fifth, Hickory and Labadie, to establish the convent in 1827. A chapel was built in 1837 and classrooms added in 1844. When this picture was taken in 1880, the sisters had already
.\'CKl\"EY'8 Agency for ‘Schools and Teachers. Broadway and Finnrwtnlh rt. . New York. JACKBONVIi.LB’ lrE.\l.a\I.'E A(lAD‘l':MY—~Fmy- mu you open: September 8, mil. :‘liL‘d‘L[é0il.GaKlI§t? courses complete.‘ on a n n . .- 2. .3. §UL1..uzn. A. 32.. Princl . V Jacksonvi ie. Iii. 11.1.11! 01.5% z':.ui'.i.E on up WIIIPPLB A ACA DBMY. LARSIOAL. ficlontinc and 1'ropm-utoryconrocs. Standard Show more.\'CKl\"EY'8 Agency for ‘Schools and Teachers. Broadway and Finnrwtnlh rt. . New York. JACKBONVIi.LB’ lrE.\l.a\I.'E A(lAD‘l':MY—~Fmy- mu you open: September 8, mil. :‘liL‘d‘L[é0il.GaKlI§t? courses complete.‘ on a n n . .- 2. .3. §UL1..uzn. A. 32.. Princl . V Jacksonvi ie. Iii. 11.1.11! 01.5% z':.ui'.i.E on up WIIIPPLB A ACA DBMY. LARSIOAL. ficlontinc and 1'ropm-utoryconrocs. Standard Show less
. Cullen’; Mmstzerly Eloidiers in Splendid ii .. oration-«The 3Di2‘iu. u.._.__.._._—-_-..——- EDIHIX DIIDOSOH X013! 91050-Dqmggah Gnu» Somme, Gsusnoxo, In... August 5.- There is nothing talked of in thin city new 5;: the success oi the third sauna!’ reunion g: m. soldiers or the Northwest. Galesbnrg, whose "°"m“ P°Pi11l‘¢1°Il 1511.053. new ecntsinran addition at something our 10,000 visitors Show more. Cullen’; Mmstzerly Eloidiers in Splendid ii .. oration-«The 3Di2‘iu. u.._.__.._._—-_-..——- EDIHIX DIIDOSOH X013! 91050-Dqmggah Gnu» Somme, Gsusnoxo, In... August 5.- There is nothing talked of in thin city new 5;: the success oi the third sauna!’ reunion g: m. soldiers or the Northwest. Galesbnrg, whose "°"m“ P°Pi11l‘¢1°Il 1511.053. new ecntsinran addition at something our 10,000 visitors Show less
- " gnlorud Bony wanna 1110,4001‘ and lhbokfbli ~ in in Fla]: John, saying,-.--1'0‘; ....;.' ' W‘ 51‘“U'11 flriron-now." .. lore tbcoomncr. this morning, sbatnala Jam» . fitgilguaut on tile lldownlk in response to the ,. ' i‘ b {#01101-1300)‘ while he (Lollpr) rulnunod‘; I 3 i ‘Q W100". lllld. kiln: in about 9. hall is min-' ‘ gm dill}: John ran. in Show more- " gnlorud Bony wanna 1110,4001‘ and lhbokfbli ~ in in Fla]: John, saying,-.--1'0‘; ....;.' ' W‘ 51‘“U'11 flriron-now." .. lore tbcoomncr. this morning, sbatnala Jam» . fitgilguaut on tile lldownlk in response to the ,. ' i‘ b {#01101-1300)‘ while he (Lollpr) rulnunod‘; I 3 i ‘Q W100". lllld. kiln: in about 9. hall is min-' ‘ gm dill}: John ran. in Show less