A fractured wrist bone will necessitate the Hawks' Bob Pettit wearing a cast on his left arm for the rest of the season. Pettit suffered the injury during the game with Boston Friday night and will try playing with the handicap for the first time today at Minneapolis.
Amusement park fire under inquiry: Firemen, silhouetted against blazing amusement rides at the Chain of Rocks Fun Fair Park, fight the fire which caused an estimated $180,000 in damage.
Workers remodel the lobby inside the terminal at Union Station. The station is the source of many golden memories for Missourians, who are sharing them with redevelopers.
View of Myrtle Street flooded with various goods floating in the foreground. Men in small boats are collecting the goods. A steamboat, horse-drawn vehicles, and a storefront can be seen in the background. This lithograph is based on a sketch by Armand Welcker.
Front page of Um die Welt: Keppler & Schwarzmann's Illustrierte Zeitung (Around the World: Keppler & Schwarzmann's Illustrated Newspaper). View of the Veiled Prophet Parade in front of the old courthouse in St. Louis. Fireworks and various exotic animals can be seen. Revelers can be seen throughout.
Vol. XXII, No. 12. American Trade and Panama Canal: Advantages Accruing American Trade Through the Building of the Isthmian Canal in Opening up New Markets. River Tonnage and Improvement.
In reply to Dr. Duncan, of Ohio; the Defender of the Administration; the "Dear Sir" of Levi Woodbury, and the Pet of the Globe; in Which the Anti-Slavery Letter of Dr. Duncan is Examined. Delivered in the House of Representatives.