A fractured wrist bone will necessitate the Hawks' Bob Pettit wearing a cast on his left arm for the rest of the season. Pettit suffered the injury during the game with Boston Friday night and will try playing with the handicap for the first time today at Minneapolis.
Vol. XXII, No. 21. The Result of the Humphrey's Bill: If Taken Advantage of by Foreign Owners Would Bring No Benefit in Return. Dates for [Deep Waterway] Convention Fixed. President Taft's Itinerary. Nearly Thrity Miles An Hour.
Showing left bank of Pilot Canal as dredge backs out after completing the first cut. On left bridge is (Miller) and wife. Kansas City District, diversion channel.
Vol. XXII. No. 48. Devoted to the Marine Profession, Yachting and Commercial Interests. Official Organ of the Western Rivers' Ferry Owners' Association.